Chapter 44

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ I need to get more personnel down to Terra, we're almost figured out how Dublinn got some military surplus. ]


[ - [ ] President Hawthorne - ]

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"The Orca before the Eagle"

"Do.. I really have to wear this?"


Skadi looked at herself in a mirror. She was donning a dress uniform that she was not accustomed to, and Michael clearly saw that on her face. While various bits of her old hunter uniform was incorporated, she was advised to wear a larger dress portion. Which Michael himself admitted looking less than comfortable.

But the rest of the Abyssal hunters had to dress nice for this event. She took note of a flower that Michael personally placed. Placing it on her left ear.

And she also placed the Rosary and Bible that the Middletons gave her into a special pocket. She felt safe and she felt... free as long as those 2 items were on her person.

She took a look at her hands, stretching them out and squeezing them, noticing the silky feel of the gloves that she had put on. They felt nice. Not practical, but she gets why Earthlings wear these.

Michael had also told her that she had spare dresses. In the case that she needs to prove one of her points against the senators by 'Ringing the big man upstairs'.

She knew what he was referring to, considering that she was able to meet one of his messengers during that brief moment in the hospital.

Skadi took a deep breath, as Michael stepped into frame, holding to a white cap, and looking at her through the reflection rather warmly. He looked much better, although he still was heavily bandaged.

The marine was dressed in what his organization called the "Dress Blues." A dress uniform for the United States Marine Corps that is iconic and revered all over the United States.

Michael had a rifle on him, although it looked ancient compared to everything else that he had used.

Although, she heard that it was for ceremonial and symbolic purposes, which explains it.

Skadi turns around and takes notice of her fellow hunters, Irene, and Lumen. The 5 were, or was getting, similarly dressed. Laurentina admiring the beauty of the Dress she had on. Gladiia was looking over her own and the orca swore that she saw something akin to contentment on her features.

Ulpianus was wearing a military dress uniform that was lent by the so-called Secret Service, and it blended in with his coat and his hat. He looked great in Skadi's opinion.

Irene and Lumen wore some sort of dresses that came from a local country, called Spain.

They looked eerily similar to some fancified versions of Iberian dresses, but none were the wiser. They did look pretty good and it complemented them very well.

Smokton and other members of Michael's squad also stood in their dress blues, at attention.

They were currently in a temporary waiting room. Patiently watching the clock tick by.

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