Lisa pov part 1

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Lisa is a girl who lived in a huge castle. She had been stuck in a tower for 3 maybe 4 years now, and she had become extremely bored. She was allowed to talk to her brother 43, when ever he came along. but he was mostly off being told what to do by his advisors. So, while he was gone she snuck out like she always did. Her father never finds out and so it won't cause much change if she left. She went out talked with the towns folk, snuck around the view of the royal guards, and played around a bit. She heard a news report of one of there hounds. The hound had not come back from their mission. Their hounds were beastly creatures extremely strong and taller then most trees in the forest lands, but they were all born without eyes. Follows people by their strong noses and their extreme sense of feeling. They have a strong memory and so it's vary hard for any to get lost so, to hear that one did not come back is strange. She figured to look through files around to see where the last place the hound was seen. She went off to the woods keeping a hood over her head to keep herself hidden she had found herself in the last spot he was recorded to be and had found his collar was knocked off the beast the same one that held the tracker she saw trees bent over in a weird way all in one direction with a clear path with distorted bushes flowers and other random plants she decided to look there first she found a young man there next to the hound the hound dead on the floor the man had dark messy hair a leather jacket and the beast blood all over the man's body his boots seemed to be like worker boots but with a fancy sowed up design on it looked extremely expensive but now seemed to be all covered in mud an gunk he had black jeans and a smug look on his face this was in a violation code 341 she thought it did not matter she probably could take him it was not that big of a crime so it was no need to concern her father with it ether she pulls out her sword and goes after him the man easily knocks her sword out of her hand without even pulling out his weapon lifts her in the sky by her neck a glares at her Lisa yells at him
The man looks at her almost confused
Man: your forest?
Lisa: well not mine but my fathers it's our land and we do not allow you to kill this hound
Man: this beast is yours
It was getting hard for Lisa to speak with his hand around her neck she takes a knife in her pocket and stabs his hand forcing him to let go of her she try's to stab him in the chest and the man takes out his gun and shoots her in the heart instead she fell onto the floor her breathing uneasy the man walks away like leaving her to die luckily she was a vinary so it healed her heart pretty quickly he must have shot her with a human bullet based on how fast it healed her she runs after him and grabs his arm
Man: look I'm a busy man with a busy life I do not have time to deal with yo-
Before he could say another word he was teleported to the gates of the kingdom walls the mechanical wires that lined the inside of the walls where built to stop any teleportation inside the kingdom to ensure safety amongst the people so she could not teleport any further then this point she cuffs the man and she looks at the gate keeper and asked to be let in the gate keeper looks at her then at the man
Gate keeper: who's this
Lisa: this is....what's your name aging
Man: I am hades
Lisa: like what the Greeks called the god of the underworld
Hades: yeah and?
Lisa: huh sorry just never heard someone be named that before
Gate keeper: ok what's hades doing here
Lisa: he is in violation of code 341 and now code 209
Gate keeper: 209 is a serious violation that will have to go straight to the king
Lisa: we don't have to involve my father  in this
Hades: let me guess daddy issues
Lisa blushes
Lisa: WHAT NO I don't have daddy issues I just don't want him finding out I left honestly you should be more worried about yourself then me right now
Hades: alrighty if you say your father he's the king right doesn't that make you some sort of princess then
Lisa: yes if you must know I am I am Lisa Erandosa the second princess of the kingdom Lindra
Hades: that's a mouth full
Lisa: it's better then hades king of the underworld
Hades: I'm not king of the underworld that's just my name and even if it wasn't just my name that means I'm a god and your just a dumb little princess
Lisa: well your not a god and so your just a peasant who has to pay for his crimes he committed now sir let us in
Gate keeper: alright but your gonna have to take him to the governor so he can set the council up for an audience with the king
Lisa: do we have to involve him
Gate keeper: for a 209 yes
Hades: what is a 209
Gate keeper: attempted murder of the princess
Hades: I did not try to kill the princess
Lisa: you shot me in the heart remember
Hades: ahhhhhh right? Ok carry on
Lisa: no matter I have already dealt with and apprehended the criminal so there is no need to involve my father
Gate keeper: ether way the king will have to deal with so please send him to the governor
Lisa: fine
Lisa says annoyed as he opens the gates and Lisa walks in dragging hades with her
Hades: can I at least call my brother before I go into court
Lisa sighs
Lisa: sure whatever less time for me to talk to my father anyways
Lisa grabs her phone
Lisa: what's his number
Hades: (743)280-994
(Note this is not a real number so don't try to call it)
Lisa types in the number and calls him giving hades her phone
Hades: hayyyy can you pick me up i kinda am going to court right now and I need to be bailed out
The man on the phone is heard talking annoyed muffling from the phone and a portal appears near the kingdom gates a boy appears with brown hair and blue eyes with glasses and a simple yet stylish outfit he walks over
Boy: hades what did you do now
Hades: not my fault this girl attacked me out of the blue
Lisa: he was in violation of the code 341
Boy: and that was?
Lisa: killing a royal hound then when I try to arrest him he cussed a violation of code 209
Boy: and 209 means?
Lisa: he try to kill me and since I'm the princess it's a more serious punishment then code 387 attacking of a minor
He wacks hades over his head
Hades: ow Adam I didn't know she was a princess
Adam: dose not matter you should not have try to kill someone in the first place
Hades: ugh alright I'm sorry can we get this over with
Adam: my brother is stupid he dose not know what he's doing can you just excuse this just this once I promise it won't happen aging
Lisa: I'm afraid at this point I can't I have to take him to the governor and the king will have to decided what to do with him
Adam takes a nervous gulp
Adam: the king
Lisa: yep
Lisa takes him to the kingdom center it has huge pillars and statues of people Lisa went to the governor and ask for an audience with the king and his council the governor asks what for and Lisa explains he sighs and starts to figure out the paperwork for it all while they wait 43 Lisa's brother walks over he was in a professional outfit that made Lisa roll her eyes he stood tall and looked externally happy at Lisa
43: Lisa what are you doing here your not meant to leave your room
Lisa: yeah I know but I overheard a missing hound report and you know I can't resist an adventure of any sorts
43: yeah but if dad finds out
Lisa: it's fine I'm actually gonna speak to him soon anyways
43: about what
Lisa: this man he commuted a 341
43: that dose not seem big enough to matter to the king
Lisa: he also did a 209
43: what he try to kill you
43 once joyful look turned serious as he glares at hades
43: this is why father dose not wish for you to leave your room it's dangerous out there
Lisa: I'm fine he's a only a human he won't do much to me
43: yeah but a lot worst could have happened
Lisa rolls her eyes as the governor comes by and tells her the king is ready to see them now

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