Philps pov part 6

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He had looked through every book he could get his hands on the topic but he could not find that symbol anywhere he then looked closer a realized a hard truth that same symbol was in there house everywhere in there then he remembers his mother telling him that it was a family symbol when he asked about as a child his eyes filled with terror was one of his family members the one up with all of this he talked to himself as he pondered
Philp: if only I could find where the exact person this came from so I would know who put it up
Hades was in the room cleaning things up when he heard that
Hades: hay philp you can get that thing tracked to at least the person who set up the camera if you want
Philp: how?
Hades: I can follow the scent of it as long as you had not touched it with your skin yet I can find who last had it
Philp: you? You want to go out alone and track down the culprit
Hades: yep I can keep myself safe I'm smart enough
He flips the broom but misses in catching it with the same hand aging instead it hit his head and he rubs a bit as he picks up the broom philp looks unconvinced he will do a good job but sighs
Philp: it's worth a shot
He puts on his glove and grabs the robotic bird and handed it to hades he takes a few sniffs and smiles
Hades: ok I'll be back in a bit
He leaves the house as Adam walks into the room
Adam: where's he going
Philp: tracking down the person who set up this camera so I can find out who made it and why
Adam: oh alright?
Philp starts working on a report to the king and Adam feels weird about how quite it is
Adam: so philp not a lot of people really would want to become solders especially during this time why did you become one
Philp: I was forced into it
Adam: oh! For how long
Philp stops for a moment to think 18-6=12
Philp: 12 years now
Adam starts to do the math in his head
Adam: how old are you
Philp: 18
Adam looked baffled
Adam: you started to fight for the army since you where 6 years old!
He kept his voice down like it was some secret
Philp: yeah why
Adam: that illegal!!! The age to be sent to war is 18 god no wonder you have so much mental stress
Philp: what's that supposed to mean
Philp said like he was offended by the comment
Adam: I'm just saying that much stress on a kid that age can not be good for someone who forced you into the war
Philp: the was ether this or the death penalty
Adam: death penalty for a child!! What did you do to deserve that
Philp: kill my father
Philp: I don't know I mean it's life just gonna have to deal with it can't really change what's been going on
Adam: why did you kill your father if you don't mind me asking
Philp: well he try to kill me and my brother at the time so I had to out of self defense
Adams face looked pale thinking about how it could have felt for your own parent try to kill you
Adam: so it was out of self defense and so the king forced you into war as a result that extreme you should have gone into therapy instead or gotten some sort of help
Philp: well he could not just let me go scot free even if it was self defense it was still murder so he said I will have to work off a debt and gave me to the advisors to find a job for me to do so I can
Adam: well you must be off it now after 12 years why are you still working as a solder
Philp: I'm not the debt is still there I still have to work it off
Adam: yes you did kill someone but it was to protect yourself and your brother I get you can't just not be punished but you where still so young at the time you had no control over what happened to you and for you have to put yourself in extreme high stake job just to pay it off is already punishment enough but then to still be in the same debt 12 years later with no change I have seen adults go on trial for the same thing and was sent free with no punishment but you where a child and you have had been through hell just to be here today god that's the definition of unfair treatment
Philp: not much I can do about it
Adam: yeah but maybe there is something I can tomorrow I can set up a meeting with the council to discuss this issue and fix it maybe it's just a mistake but this mistake had gone unheard of long enough
He starts mumbling to himself angry as he leaves the room philp was left confused on what he was talking about

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