Hades pov part 6

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Once hades gets to his room he looks around for any exits ways as he hums a little happy birthday song to himself
Blondy: what are you doing?
Hades: what oh I'm humming
Blondy: oh what are you humming
Hades gets a little embarrassed
Hades: well I'm humming a happy birthday song to myself
Blondy: oh how dose it go
Hades: it's not important but ummm when's your birthday
Blondy: birthday?
Hades: yeah like the day you where born
Blondy: oh I don't know mine what's yours
Hades: it's today actually
Blondy: is that why you where humming that song
Hades: yeah
He looks down upset and blondy catches onto this emotion
Blondy: are birthdays bad
Hades: no why would you think that
Blondy: your sad?
Hades: oh yeah kinda it's just it's just todays not one of the best days I have had
Blondy: oh what happens at one
Hades: well it's vary different depending on who you are and what your family traditions are like mine is every night we go to a place called lefty's it's cheep and the food there is awful but since we went there when we had no money I told my family it was my favorite spot to go to for my birthday so we would go there every year and laugh about how awful the food is and joke around we had a lot of good memories there then I would go home mum would make this yummy cake for me to eat we would play board games and Adam would lose to everyone of the games he would make this stupid angry face when he lost
Blondy: birthdays sound fun
Hades: yeah they are
Blondy: who's Adam
Hades: Adam is my brother two years younger then me but smarter and more mature he would always stay by my side and well when I left him he was angry with me
Blondy: why
Hades: I let some people say some stupid crap I think it felt like something more though
Blondy: who's mum
Hades: well a mum is someone who is a female guardian who takes care of you my mum was one of the sweetest though she always supported me and well we don't always see eye to eye but we loved each other and we where content and happy
Blondy: oh huh I think.....at some point....I had a......sister
Hades looked surprised he remembered something
Hades: oh really what was she like
Blondy: I don't know it's all foggy and blurry
Hades: but hay you remember something that great
Blondy: it is
Hades: yes it means what people had done to you can be undone and maybe if we figure out what you did to remember we can help everyone here remember you know have a life
Blondy: do we not have a life now
Hades: well yes you do but not a happy one don't you want to go outside for once I don't know learn how to ride a bike sail the sea
Blondy: what's a bike what's the sea
Hades: yeah you can learn what bike is and what the sea is all outside of here
Blondy: the sea... the sea blue
Hades: yes the sea is blue how did you know
Blondy: I had hope to go see it one day
Hades: oh yeah it's vary beautiful in person
Celine: there are seven seas witch one would you like to go too
Hades looked surprised did his voice hear what they had been saying and so did his voice also heard about how he wanted to escape was he gonna get reported was he gonna have to go through all of that again was he gonna get sent back was blondy going to go back and that means all his progress will be gone everyone has there own personal one so if she reports it they would know exactly who is responsible who to go too
Celine: your heart rate is high your heart rate is high
Hades: of course it's high Celine you heard what I said what I have been saying
Blondy: who's Celine
Hades: it's the voice I got connected to me
Blondy: oh I have a voice she dose not have a name though and what is high what is Celine talking about
Celine: your heart rate is high do you want me to call over a doctor
Hades: no why would a doctor be a good idea
Celine: because your heart rate is high your highly distressed right now
Hades: god I'm gonna die
Celine: you will not die your body is at full strength your heart rate is high though
Hades: not by my body by you
Celine: how will I kill you
Hades: not you kill me they will once they realize what happened after you report me
Celine: I will not report you
Hades: what?
Blondy: kill you who's going to kill you
Hades: not now blondy
Celine: you are strange you know you talk to yourself when you where alone I heard what you where saying and when I ordered you to do things you had given me a name I did not need a name you spoke about your life and I just did my job you left yours so I reported you I heard agony and pain and it increased when they took you in I had never heard so much pain before I felt bad so now I keep my mouth shut
Hades was confused she was a robot she could not feel feelings but it did make sense if she wanted to report him she would have awhile ago but she didn't she stayed quite maybe she could help
Hades: Celine do you know things about this place
Celine: I do
Hades: would blondys voice report him
Celine: most likely yes
Hades: is there a way out
Celine: kitchen
Hades: what
Celine: they have to have food coming in and out to feed you kitchen if you find a way to open this door at night and get out undetected you will be able to get out of there no problem

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