Philps pov part 3

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(Note from writer
There is rough language in this one so if you don't like to read words like this I suggest to skip this story and possible blood violence as well)
Philp had chased the person down finding a few suspicious dead body's on the path and once he finally had the person cornered they had called there friends to bail her out surrounding him
Instead what they all had in common they all wore hoods and a smile face masked he try to fight them off but one decided to blow up a bomb he dogged away from the explosives luckily but had tripped over himself and fell off a cliff as he fell he was extremely annoyed with himself to make a simple mistake like this normally he works better in battle but he just dose not seem to be on his a game today maybe he needs to work harder before he lands to the bottom philp pulls his jacket off and swing it over near a tree one sleeve wrapping around it enough momentum to tie into a knot and used it to launch himself up and re position his body taking away some of the force pressure of the fall spin in the air just to add some flair and lands on both his feet perfectly at the bottom what he did not account for was the bear trap on the floor so he landed one of his feet right into the bear trap he stood there watching the blood gush out of his leg dripping down onto the grass the pain slowly went up his leg and through his body he was in extreme pain but he would not let his face or his enemy know that he kept a straight face while looking at his injured leg he try's to open the bear trap but a bullet shot just barely missing his head making let go and stabbed into it leg aging he had no time to free himself he dragged his leg with him as he went out of eyes view of the bullets he takes out his gun he did not have a clear enough view of them from the angle he was in but he made one clean shot and took down one member shooting them down in the head their body falling back from the recoil of the gun his body fell off the cliff hitting agents the walls blood spreading all over the side of the cliff then rolled all the way down to the bottom his eyes wide open starring lifeless at philp they where gonna keep trying to shoot philp when one of them raised a hand up and the firing stopped the man pointed to the sunset showing the sun was going down and people started to back away one of the people asked if they should go down and grab philp making philp surprised the knew his name but the man told them no let the hunters deal with them and both left eye view he pulled the bare trap out of his leg before it snapped back into place he stood up and fell over he figured he should not put as much pressure onto his wounded leg next time and got up aging limping over to the dead body he started to search the body looking for an id or any clue on what they where doing here he took the mask off the body it was a young boy around there age blood spilling out of his mouth he next found a photo was a family photo a little girl the man he just killed and his parents he sighs well looks like they just lost a son today he felt slightly guilty but decided not to pity him since he did try to kill him moments ago without concern who may be important in his life ether he then finds other photos in his satchel around his waist photos of the house of him and Lisa through the window millions of questions flooded his brain but before he could think of any answers he saw Lisa and Adam in-front of them Lisa gasped at the sight of the body Adam looked unfazed
Philp: Lisa language would you talk to your mother with that mouth
Philp: yeah and that gives you no right to use foul language
Philp: it's fine no worries I'll send a report to your father you don't have to worry about a thing
Lisa: I am worried what the hell happened to your leg
Philp: oh you will freak out about the body yelling in panic but not about my leg
Lisa: one yes that's a dead body and that's just a injury and two I kinda calmed down from the shock of everything and three why the fuck are you in the woods alone at night
Philp: you really love that word don't you
Lisa: what word
Philp: I'm not gonna say it's rude and you of all people should not be using it ether
Lisa: oh my fucking god just tell me why your here in the first place and at night of all times
Philp: I wasn't trying to stay out at night it just so happened to turn night time by the time you guys found me
Lisa: ok but why are you here
Philp: well turns out you got a little stalker
Philp holds up the photos
Lisa: really why what do they want
Philp: don't know that's what I'm going to find out

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