Philps pov part 13

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Scarlet is thinking
Philp: so what are we meant to do
Scarlet: let me think jeez you're so annoying sometimes
Philp: sorry hay if you have been with jack the whole time and you knew something was up how could you let him get like this
Scarlet: I had no proof that anything was wrong so I never fully convinced myself
Philp: him wanting to kill the whole royal family was not proof enough to you
Scarlet: well unlike you he normally has a reason for wanting someone dead
Philp: I always have a reason
Scarlet: yeah yeah let's not get into this right now
Philp: what made you figure out something truly was up
Scarlet: that last moment he was talking to himself and he had shot me in the arm and he was yelling at me for no reason and jack normally has a reason for everything
Philp: that is true even when he is not thinking clearly he normally has a reason before he blows up speaking of witch we should get your arm fixed up
Scarlet: I'm fine I'm just worried about jack
Philp: yeah sure but don't want you fainting because of blood loss come on
He takes scarlet inside to get fixed up he calls for Pluto and Pluto starts to work on her to help her get fixed up
Pluto: why are you guys always getting hurt in some way?
Philp: I don't know life I guess
Pluto: oh philp before I came home I saw something today
Philp: oh yeah and what's that
Pluto: well I was wondering around in the forest
Philp: why where you
Pluto: no worries I was not trying to go home I just needed some fresh air
Philp: ok continue then
Pluto: well while I was walking I saw a lady with white hair near our home she did not look old so it was strange how she had white hair she had cherry lips and a scary weapon she had someone with her a guy in a mask she was talking to him about something the dude seemed upset about something
Philp: huh? How close by where they did they look like they where planning attack or anything
Pluto: no they looked like they where just talking if they where interested in the house they would have started looking more in my direction and pointed near it but they just looked at each other the whole time so I'm pretty sure no attack is coming
Philp: I'll check it out later thank you
Pluto: no problem just worried it may be important
Philp: will you show me where you found the two of them
Pluto: yep
He says finishing patching up scarlet
Philp: alright

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