Moon pov part 3

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Moon looks around he did say to go this way right he hears ruffling in the branches and gose to check it out it was the kid with directions who was he running from he tripped over and the man quickly caught up to him he knew this man he thinks back to the man that was trying to hurt raven mark she said his name was he closed in on the kid and moon try to use his ability but because of the sun it came to no avail he sighs and thought its not worth it anyways its there business not mine and started to step away
Mark: you fucking basterd you really think your all high and mighty because your a prince well look at you now a small little weaklink who cant even defend himself
Moon thinks back to someone saying that to may he clenched his fists and charged at mark punching him in the face
Moon: go away before i have to do what i did back at the store to you you where out for like what a day or too
Mark glares at moon and sighs he already has half of 43 he dose not need to fight this hard for this half
Mark: pfttt fine whatever you can have 43
Mark leaves emotional 43 looks at moon and tears up and hugs moon moon looks at him confused lifting his hands in the air
Emotional 43: thank god you came to save me
Moon: uhhhhh
Emotional 43: whats your name
Moon: im moon haven't i already told you guys that
Emotional 43: oh sorry i only have half of my memories right now so i remember meeting you but don't know what you told me
Moon: right? Can you let go
Emotional 43: fine but im attached now so ima stick with you now
Moon: no your not
Emotional 43 lets go of him but holds his hand
Moon: this probably why you where attacked you just follow people dont you have a place to be right now
Emotional 43: no im on the run
Moon: you just barley met me and your telling me your on the run are you stupid
Emotional 43: oh your right sorry i wont tell a soul now :D your so smart what eles do you know
Moon: thats not smart im just using basic logic don't trust strangers
Emotional 43: oh that makes sens then i dont have my logic side with me now
Moon: what how?
Emotional 43: i had to split myself into two one emotional one logical to get away from mark so while he is gone its hard for me to use logic
Moon: oh
Emotional 43: but now i dont have to worry much about that cause i have a bestie now
Moon: oh really and wheres your bestie
Emotional 43: its you silly
Moon: no its not we just met how the can you.....
Remembers he dose not have his logical side with him thats why he can get attached to someone so quickly he probably gonna act like a kid and find anybody his age thats nice to him as his bestie and if he truly is on the run then he is in loads of danger if he keeps acting like that mark said prince he probably belongs to the other kingdom since hes no prince he has seen before so mark probably wanted to take him to take the kingdom down and raven lives in this kingdom to get out of what life use to be like so if this kingdom falls our king will probably take power and change it into a place just like ours witch is not good for his brothers or raven so if he protects this kid he may help his family in the long run
Moon: fine we can be besties under a few rules
Emotional 43: yayyyyy ok
Moon: first i have to be your only "bestie" here you cant be going around to other strangers and talking to random pepole ok
Emotional 43: why strangers can become friends too
Moon thinks annoyed well you probably have to treat this like he is a little kid
Moon: but if you make other friends and they take you away from me ill be sad you dont want me sad do you
He shakes his head
Moon: ok good we agree not to talk to strangers now you must stay with me at all times and lestion to what I tell you and you have to ask to leave
Emotional 43: why?
Moon: so I know where to go if you get hurt but if I tell you to stay somewhere stay there got it
Emotional 43: ok
Moon: do t follow someone cause you recognize them ether
Moon think's probably at this time the most important time where you can't even trust your close contacts
Emotional 43: ok
Moon: now the last rule is to follow further rules if I have to make more on there way but I don't think you will disobey so we probably don't need more rules
Emotional 43: alrighty best buddy but I got one rule for you
Moon: oh yeah
Emotional 43: you won't try to hurt me or kill me ok?
Moon: ok
Emotional 43: yayyyyy pinky promise
Moon sighs
Moon: yeah pinkie promise
Emotional 43: yayyyy
Moon: now where did you tell me sun was
Emotional 43: I don't remember but I'm not good with directions anyways without logic
Moon: ah should have assumed that
Moon and emotional 43 start wondering around emotional 43 asks moon tons of questions that he try's to ignore since he don't like talking but he ended up answering a few as they hold hands walking off

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