Raven pov part 4

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Raven wakes up holding onto Adam wait did she really just raven blushes she came in here to see if he was ok not to have sex with him he lets go of him and gets up hades had been gone for a few days and he had felt so lonely she could tell from how he's been reacting that they where vary close so he was in an emotional state but when he kissed her she wanted him more then anything she was feeling alone as well but not in the same way as he was but his touch she couldn't help it and oh god they where not protected she never did anything like this without protection but things seemed fine right things are alright she showed no sighs well of course she would only show any after the first week but I mean how bad could it be she could probably just ignore this Adam wakes up
Raven: hello darling good morning
Adam yawns
Adam: darling? Dose that mean where official
He said with a smirk as he sat up
Raven: if you want to be I am perfectly fine with it
Adam: I'm cool with it
Raven: how are you feeling
Adam: I'm feeling great but tired
Raven: it can do that to you
Adam: but also worried a mixture about the relationship and what's been going on lately but all I know now is that I like being with you
Raven: huh that's new
Adam: what
Raven: your more open with things then my last partners
Adam kissed her and pulled away raven blushes
Adam: I'm sorry you just looked cute and thought
Raven: no worry's kiss me when ever you please I won't mind it it just caught me off guard
Adam looks at the time
Adam: oh shoot I slept in I forgot to make breakfast for everyone and I promised I would come into work today
Raven: don't worry I'll figure out breakfast you get ready
Adam: really alright thank you he kissed her and quickly gets some clothes on and left raven puts on an outfit and goes to the kitchen ummmm right how do you cook food again she's done this before for her ex husband over and over again but she's kinda forgot how she did she is so out of practice well this will be fun to figure out

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