43 pov part 3

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43 looked up these people talked to their loved ones nothing common about any of them but he did notice that all the people he took where mostly females some where men or young boys but most of them where female was he targeting women what would they want with these people he noticed a thing on a girls wrist a navian mark he then looks at another woman each woman that had a photo showing there arm also had the mark in the same place she looked at the men the same thing where all of them navian he heard people ran away from the country at first he thought it was a problem they should fix but the king said it's fine if they choose to stay making 43 do some research on them navians had a strict country no woman had any rights and the rules where clear punishment where brutal no one had rights except for high ranking men and they all could not choose there job it given to them by force aging unless where high ranked and on rear occasions when wanted to start there own business on something they don't normally have much of and the people who leave are normally people who don't agree with the rules and ran away to have more rights guess they didn't realize they would be taken by a random person on the street once they got here he decided to talk to the family's that did not show arms and asked if the missing person had a mark on their wrist some said they did not know but most of the others just said they saw them with one proving to him his theory was correct he now needed to know why and where they where keeping them and on why the government was doing nothing to stop this he needs more proof of he wanted to address this issue with their father as well an advisor knocked on the door and he quickly hid his bored
Advisor: sir may I speak to you
43: yes come in please
The Advisor opened the door
Advisor: good afternoon you majesty it seems you have been invited to come to the ball later this week
43: I don't have time
Advisor: well yes but it is tradition for at least one royal family come to this event since your father can't and your sister is absent you will have to go
43: I need to figure things out I don't have time to party
Advisor: it is required of you as next in line to the throne you have to take responsibility of everything that is to be told you and that includes going to "party's" you don't enjoy this ball happens every year and is ment to represent peace within our nation with us and minline and if one dose not attend it is counted as an insult to both leaders
43 mumbles to himself
43: stupid party about stupid politics
Advisor: what was that
43: I said I would grateful to come to such a wonderful ball
Advisor: yeah that's what I thought you said
The advisor left closeting the door 43 stuck his tongue out like a child at the door he had no time for this people where going missing anytime he loses is another person gone 

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