Sun pov part 5

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Sun wakes in a nicely done room and beautiful furniture flowers silk curtains and more sun stands up and try's to open the door it was locked he looked outside the window he was high up with bars on the window he could open it but not because of the bars he could leave not leave through it unless he heard the door unlock and sun quickly closed the window it was jack
Sun: what are you doing here
Jack: I brought you here and raven but she's not important right now
Sun: you kidnapped me?
Jack: well ummm technically so to say yes
Sun: what the hell why
Jack: because I love you and I could not spend a day without you and I knew my brother if he knew I was there and if he knew I was with you he would never allow it
Sun: why
Jack: because of what I did
Sun: what did you do
Jack: it's not important all you need to know is that where together now and I won't let you go
Sun could still sense good in him but how when he had kidnapped them jack looked tired like he hadn't slept in days had he used the tea maybe that was messing with his head making him not thinks right wait but there was something else another presence with him something evil and vile but that's weird only jack was there why was he feeling another person
Sun: jack is it ok if I see raven
Jack: why
Sun: I just want to see if she's ok
Jack saw he wasn't looking at him maybe felt bad about being stuck here all he wanted was for him to care about him
Jack: how about this I'll let you see raven if you do something for me first
Sun: and what's that
Jack closed the door behind him sun hearing a click it must have locked he grabs sun and pulled him close to him and softly said in his ear
Jack: pledge to be mine forever giving me your whole body and soul
Sun: I ummm
Sun blushes not now he had conflicted feelings about all of this he could sense a good presences in him but his actions where different he saw the keys locked onto him maybe if he gets close enough and trust him enough maybe he could get the keys maybe he could play a little mind game with him as well
Sun: I will pledge everything I have to you
Jack: ok now it's time for the fun part you promise me you will give me all of you because I'm telling you now once you say yes there is no going back
Sun: I agree
Jack smiles picks up sun kissing him on the neck while at it
Jack: then let's have some fun

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