Jack pov part 9

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Raven casted the spell to look into his house and with a flash there he was at his childhood home philp was sitting on the couch reading a book but it was younger philp he was quite a lot after mum died but he was fine mostly his younger self was taking care of little Antoinette and donatello donny started crying and philp rolled his eyes annoyed
Younger Philp: Jack can you shut him up he's so loud
Younger Jack: i am sorry he's just a little hungry that's all
His younger self gets up and goes over to the kitchen opening the fridge
Younger jack: where all out of milk and baby food
Younger philp: THEN GET MORE
Younger jack: shhhhh the other one is asleep
Younger philp: just go already
Younger jack: alright, alright i'll go
He leaves with donny so philp won't have to hear the crying and philp stayed behind his father walks in after a little while
Father: philp where's jack
Younger philp: going to get stuff for the babys why
Father: you know fred from across the street
Younger philp: yeah? Why?
Jack: Fred? Who's Fred?
Adam: just watch you'll find out
Jack: You watched this one?
Adam: how do you think i knew you killed him and not philp
Jack: fair point
Father: him and jack i think jack likes him
Young Philp: so?
Father: it's a disgrace to the family we cant have someone who dates a man in this house its uncivilized
Young Philp: so when anttonette grows up and dates a man its uncivilized
Father: no you know what i mean philp make sure he doesn't date any man or else
Young Philp: ok fine i am on it
Young Philp puts away his book and starts to walk away
Father: where are you going
Young Philp: to follow jack
Father: right ok you may leave
Jack: that does not explain why i don't remember a guy named fred
Adam: you will see
They follow young philp out of the house and too young jack philp stayed out of sight from jack kind of watching where he went he knew he would be at the store so he went there jack walks looking at the different types of baby foods there where trying to get one quickly since donny was crying he then noticed philp hiding behind a shelf
Young Jack: philp you're not very good at hiding 
Young philp: sorry ummm how are you
Young jack: im good why are you here though? I thought you where annoyed with the crying
Young philp: i was but i relized how little time i spent with you and so i thought to come talk with you
Young jack: that vary sweet
Young philp: i hear you like a certain someone alot
Young jack: how did you know
He said blushing
Young philp: just have my ways
Young jack: you wont tell dad that where dating right
Young philp: dating! Ummmmmm yeahhhhh i wont say a word
He sighs in relief
Young jack: good thank you oh i was thinking of bringing him on a date tonight near the river in the first out back can you do me a huge favor and distract dad on where i am while i am gone
Young philp: sure.....ummmm i think i forgot something at the house i will be right back
Philp runs off without letting jack respond the other two follow him to his father
Father: did you find anything out about fred
Young Philp: yeah apparently there dating so he now wont be so easy to forget
Father: hmmm well its only a prototype and my friend did say he needs someone to test it out with
Young Philp: what is it
Father: its a machine that can make people forget things it only has enough power for one shot but if you made jack forget all about fred he wont have to worry about him ever again and fred will think he ghosted him and so he will just forget about jack
Philp: ok?
Father: you have one shot ok so make sure you use it well
His father set some settings on a machine he had and gave it to philp he grabbed his book and ran back to jack
Young philp: hay jack i found the thing i forgot
Young jack: oh great
He says paying for the stuff he needs and once he buys it he gose to the park and starts feeding donny so he wont be upset anymore philp nervously gulps and thinks to himself well it won't kill him father would never give me anything that will kill him he takes aim and while jack was distracted he shot him jack blinks for a few seconds felling the back of his head and looks back philp put the machine behind him nervously jack shook it off thinking it was just the wind and continued what he was doing
Young philp: hay jack do you know a guy named fred
Young jack: no whos that?
Young philp: its umm not important
He smiles and walks back home to tell his father the news the father left for work and jack came back once night fell he got ready to leave
Young philp: where are you going
Young jack: on that date with issac
Young philp: issac! Oh ummm yeah go ahead ill make sure you have an alibi
Young jack: thank you philp i owe you one
Jack leaves after a hour their father comes back asking where jack is
Young philp: about that i think i made a mistake
Father: about what
Young philp: jack like issac not fred and there on a date right now
Father: where
Young philp: near the river
Father: thats fine
He grabs his gun that was on display
Young philp: what are you doing
Father: i said he cant date any man or else
Young philp: dad?
He loads his gun
Father: i will deal with you later
The dad walks out the door and the follow him to the river watched his father kill issac and shooting a bullet through his head jack freaked out yelling at his father jack now starts to tear up watching this this part of his memory was intact and he wish it wasn't
Jack: stop showing it please
Adam nods and get raven to stop jack wipes his tears away burying his feelings making sure they where all gone before speaking again
Jack: if philp could erase my memory of Fred what else has erased supposing he found out how to fix it
Adam: welllllll this may take awhile

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