43 pov part 5

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43 felt exhausted he had kept running all night and he could see the daylight shing on his face he just needed a place to rest he found a nearby village and decided to keep his head down so no one would see him people where whispering back and forth they over heard how the king was dead he died only yesterday and everyone already knows about it even this far away from the kingdom news really travels fast pepole talking about how the king was weak did they all forget how many pepole he killed and how many wars he won from them he was not a weak man he wanted to say something to them but kept his mouth shut since he was not meant to be seen pepole are still after him after all pepole start asking questions like where is the princess in all of this they where gossiping how she helped betray her own father Lisa would never do such a thing rumors made him sick but he could not help but pay attention to them others talked about how the princess was helpless and died in the fire others said the king beat her to death and covered up his tracks long before the attack others would say she was captured by an evil witch named raven then they also talked about me as the prince how I was a cowers and ran away or I was selfish and took the money and run or I hoped them kill the king how I was really in on it the whole time how I am a useless boy and them feeling uneasy that I will become king next some saying they hope they never find me so I won't take the thrown how I will become an awful ruler I try to ignore it but is that how my pepole saw me as a horrible ruler I knew I never wanted the job as king but he had always done his best to make everyone feel comfortable here 43s heart felt like it plummet to Rick bottom the princess is probably dead the king is definitely dead and he is next in line and everyone hates him how did he even get here just a bit ago he was laughing with Lisa then his father sent her away then sent philp away and now this happend and he felt like he lost everything and everyone important in his life he was a disappointment to the family name maybe his mother was right about him he was useless maybe his people were right maybe he was a coward he ran into moon falling over onto the floor
43: my apologies sir I was not looking where I was going
Moon: it's fine
Moon helps 43 up
43: what might your name be
Moon: I'm moon im kind of lost
43: your not the only one
He nervous laughs for a moment
43: where are you trying to head to
Moon: a little house I think my brother dusk found out where my brother sun is staying but I can't seem to find where I'm going I have never been out here before and I'm getting real tired of introducing myself to people then going around in circles
43: maybe I can help
Moon: would you do that? Oh that would be great thank you
Moon hands 43 a map and shows a paper with an address dusk gave him
43: oh it should be that way
He points to the forest
Moon:thank you
43: if dusk gave you the address to find your brother why dose he not come with you
Moon: we where separated
43: ahhh ok
Moon: but I'm going to go too much human interaction you know
Moon nervous laughs and walks off 43 thinks about about how he has never seen moon before he thought he knew everyone who lives in this kingdom walls he keeps walking and noticed he is being followed by a tall man with blue eyes and dark hair 43 gets ready to fight if he must but try's not to draw attention the man starts to catch up to him and put his hand in 43 shoulder 43 looks over at the man almost ready to fight
43: hello do you need something
Mark: good morning I'm mark I have been looking for you since yesterday when the king has passed on
43: what for?
He puts his hand on the sword attached to his belt Lisa was better with the sword then he was but he did learn a few things from her
Mark: I think we both know why
43 was so focused on mark he did not even notice someone behind him the pieced a needle into 43s neck he started seeing two of everything as his body got weak he started to feel sleepy if he split up he could put everything that's running though his system into one body 43 could split in half split into two sides one logic one emotional the problem is he only gets half the memories from each side but he could use this power so the other side could escape and that way he won't die he can't die in that form but the longer he is in this form it will be difficult to stay mentally there so he needs to make sure both sides get out of here not just one he split apart the logic side got the drug part and fell asleep while the emotional side was still awake but all the info of what he needed to do when to the logic side the only part he remembered was run away so he ran off as fast as he could leaving the other side to get caught mark looked at the person and told him to take that side away then mark started to chase after the emotional side

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