Scarlet pov part 1

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Scarlet kept running through seemed like the sun started to rise it's hard to believe they already stayed up all night she was running in heels so her feet started to hurt real quick she had to find philp he will know what to do she ran around wandering around till she saw adam outside of a house and from the reports philp is staying at his home she runs over to him
Scarlet: hello sir can you help me please I need to talk to philp
Scarlets arm was still bleeding from jacks shot and Adam ran inside to tell philp he found a way to allow himself out of Lisa's arms while she's sleeping and ran over to the scarlet
Philp: scarlet what are you doing here
He said at first annoyed but when he saw she was bleeding he sounded concerned
Scarlet: your brother he's changed
Philp: I already know that he killed the king I can tell he has changed
Scarlet: no no he's not well he's listening to someone else's he's not in his own head he just follows what the man is telling him he even kicked me out and shot me
Philp: he has hurt many pepole before
Scarlet: I know that but he has never harmed me before
Philp paused for a moment thinking
Scarlet: I don't think he wanted to kill the king something is in his head and won't leave he has lost it he was talking to his own reflection
Philp thinks about every time he would talk to himself when he lived with him talking about a man in a hood was there when they where younger when they where kids he just assumed it was his imaginary friend but he kept talking to him even as an adult I kept telling him there is no one there and he tells me he is there telling him to do awful things to pepole it had gotten to a point where he had to send jack to a doctor about it to get checked out he was given medication he hated the medicine and said it did nothing for him till he stop taking it fully from what philp knew he stoped seeing him but from his suspicions he had still seen him just worried if he told anyone he would be sent to the doctor aging he but later on he got more and more aggressive doing stupid things he would never do before till philp found out he was apparently trying to kill the royal family he had ignored the person jack was seeing for so long that it's gotten to the point where he has killed someone now he felt like an awful brother
Philp: where is jack so I can talk to him
Scarlet: I can't tell you I'm not allowed to disclose where the base is I took an oath
Philp: well you where kicked out anyways so might as well tell me
Scarlet: no I don't go back on my promise
Philp: how am I meant to help him then
Scarlet I can find a way to bring him here instead
Philp: butcher and sun came back from being taken there maybe they know where the base is
Scarlet: no they where taken somewhere else then there that's building 4 you need 10
Philp: and where is that
Scarlet: can't tell
Philp: what did he say to him
Scarlet: he was calling me a traitor last i saw him talking to him
Philp: are you
Scarlet: not at the time but now that im talking to you they might think I am even more now
Philp: do you have any of his stuff on you that may have his scent
Scarlet: no except maybe the kings blood that's now on my dress from him pushing me
Philp: that won't work it's coverd in to much of the kings smell
Philp looked annoyed at mostly himself think about how he failed jack how he should have stayed by his side making sure he was ok he starts wondering what jack is doing now

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