Dusk pov part 2

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Dusk cries out as he sees moon head roll away from his body he couldn't help it he had to he chanted
Dusk: with this ruby of red i cast a shadow in this sky bring back what I lost or feast upon the devils mind with this ruby of red I cast a shadow in the sky bring back what I lost or feast upon the devils mind
As he says those words over and over again the sky went dark with clouds covering the sky dusks eyes glowed white the guards had no idea what was happing and backed away from dusk the wind blew hard as slowly moons body appeared in-front of them just with a scar around his neck where the blade had cut through him dusk said the chant one last time before stoping the sky's where clear aging and the wind was calm moon looked around his eyes cold he just saw death looked him in the eye and came back alive he looked almost traumatized like he'd seen a ghost his arms where free from the chains now moon touched his neck surprised it was still attached to his body and moon felt like he wanted to scream on how freaked out he was but he stayed calm and saw dusk still stuck there in chains he used his shadows to hold onto the few guards around them down to the ground and grabbed the keys he ran over to dusk and freed him dusk hugged him tighter then ever before
Dusk: oh my god I thought I lost you
He said crying into moons shoulder some more guards where on there way so moon pulled dusk away from him
Moon: dusk there's no time for this we have to go NOW

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