Pluto pov part 4

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Everyone looked upset he did not full understand why he just found everyone upset he went to ask adam what was up but he told him not to worry about it he then asked philp raven hades all said the same he asked philps siblings they didn't know what was going on ether so he decided to go figure things out himself well yesterday he heard lisa scream crying with no look of physical injuries and no one else around seemed hurt and the royal family is always had the attention of the news when something big happens so maybe she found something about her family that was devastating he turned on his device and looks to the news it was all over how could he miss it the king had just passed away dead at first based on camera footage they thought it was philp but after further examination it was found that his brother jack had killed the man instead claiming to be philp the village that lived near the kingdom had been raided and burned down from the looks of things these people look to be spreading to the south east village philp thought south east thats where my family is pluto writes a note and put it on the fridge he ran outside and opened up his wings ready to fly philp saw this since he was still outside at the time
Philp: pluto where are you going
Pluto: to help someone theres more info on the fridge
He puts on his goggles and turned on his rocket jets blasting off into the sky before philp could object he glided away wind in his hair he loved flying in the sky and it seems all his parts where in place working vary well he gets back to his hometown and its engulfed in flames they had already got here he scanned the area and found jupiter running away from a vary threatening man he looked to see what supplies he had to help most where medical supplies witch wont help much but there was this one thing he throws down a little ball and when it hits the man it expanded into a net wrapping around him stopping him in his tracks making him fall to the floor he might have a small pain in his head from the fall but nothing more and it stops him from harming his sister he lowers himself down near where jupiter was
Pluto: hello
Jupiter: pluto what are you doing here
Pluto: i saw on the news that this town was in danger
Jupitor: you shouldn't be here
Pluto quickly grabs jupiter and lifts her into the sky as a bomb crashed below he got them both away just in time
She yelped
Pluto: im sorry i just saw the bomb and i did not want you to get hurt
He placed her back down to the ground away from danger he was going to fly off to help the others when jupiter grabs his leg
Pluto: what are you doing
Jupiter: don't go back it's dangerous even if you do get everyone out our father is still pissed off at your betrayal
Pluto: betrayal? I did not betray him in fact him still here so i can help him instead of leaving hm to die
Jupitor: he doesn't see it that way once you get everyone he will harm you for leaving him
Pluto stops for just a moment trying to figure out his next move
Pluto: dose not matter i made a promise to myself that i will always help the injured even if i may get hurt on the way
pluto pulls jupiter hand off his leg and flies back into the village jupiter looks worried hes going to get himself killed she thought pluto dogged falling rocks off the cliffside that was falling onto them from the attacks and trying to breath with how much smoke was in the air he would stop every time he saw someone hurt witch was often in this place bringing each person into the safe space he had to deal with falling buildings people trying to shoot him down crying kids and more he then found mars trapped under a bolder he try lifting the bolder but his arms were too weak he found a broken sigh and used that as leverage to get the bolder off of him he grabbed mars and brought him to the safe place one by one he got everyone out and restrained most of the harmful people he then found venus the last one left caught her arm in ruckus from the building she once owned she scrambled and screamed for help not able to get out pluto flew down and was going to help her when he felt a bullet shot through his arm he fell onto the floor and got up aging to look who shot him it was his father he was wndering when he would see him he paid little mind to him though since hs father looked unharmed from the attack and refocused on venuse he went over trying to help her out the father try to shoot him aging bt this time he used his wing as a shield to protect himself he got venuses arm free and told her where the safe zone was his father shot at him aging and aging getting closer to him once he ran out of bullets he took out a sword pluto try to fly away when his fater grabed plutos leg and slammed him to the ground and try to stab his sword into him he used his wings as a shield aging but it damaged the wings this time this was no normal sword this was the same one he killed one of the gods with no wonder is wings had a hard time holding together he try to get him away but he slammed his sword into his wings aging and aging till it flung through and stabbed his leg he cant fight and hes all out of nets how is he meant to stop him he could use the pin point pressure but he would have to find some way to get out of here first he stabbed another hole through his wings if he moved his head slightly to late he would had been stabbed through the eye he could see his fathers face through the holes of his wings he were mad he was out to kill what did he do to him to make him go crazy like this he was laughing with each slash of the sword he did not know how much longer he could stand like this for it got through to both legs then arms the chest pluto accepted his fate he closed his eyes ready for the moment to come when he heard a crash then quite pluto opened his eyes and through the holes his father was no longer there he slowly opened his wings to see Lisa standing above his father his father knocked over with a bloody nose
Pluto: how did you get here so fast on foot
Lisa: well once I saw your letter I teleported us here
Pluto: us?
Adam ran over
Adam: Lisa more rebel soldiers are coming near to attack the village
Lisa: everyone is out of the village now and this place is falling apart they can have it I just need to get Pluto out of here and we will be ok
Pluto: what about dad
Lisa: you still wanna help him?
Pluto: yes why not help him
His father wakes up and try's to attack Pluto again with the sword almost stabbing him when Lisa grabs his arm and flips him over and cuts off the hand that held the sword
Lisa: yeah I don't think this man can be saved really
The man gets up sweeping Lisa leg making her fall over his fathers hand glowed in fire as he held Lisa down from the fire glow scorching her Lisa was to focused on not getting burned that she paid not attention on getting herself out she's crying in pain as she try's to get the fire away Adam try's to come near and the flames surrounding him forced him in place pluto jumped out just in time to not be trapped in the flames he could not fly with the Brocken wing and he had no way to hold his father down anymore he saw his fathers sword and thought maybe but he promised himself not to hurt anyone he started to rethink until he heard Lisa's cry's in pain and that's all Pluto could hear was the cry's over and over aging ring in his head that's all he could hear all he wanted to do was make it stop he did not want to hear her hurt anymore but before he could think things through he used the sword to stab his father right through the heart making him let go of Lisa and look down at the blade that just passed through his body and slowly at Pluto as the life faded from his eyes and slowly fell over to the floor Lisa got up her arm scorched black Pluto looked at his father and started to panic
Pluto: no no no no no no no no
He collapsed to the floor his fathers flames burned out Adam was free from the fire cycle that held him Pluto checks his heart rate he was definitely dead Pluto grabs his father and held him close to him and started crying
He covers his face in his shoulder as he rocks back and forth in pain with what he did Lisa sees in the distance a group of solders not from the kingdom but from the rebel group where coming this way
Lisa: Pluto we have to go
Pluto: no no I can't
Lisa try's to pull Pluto away but he try's to force himself to stay
Lisa: Pluto you'll die if you stay here
Pluto mumbles to himself
Pluto: that wouldn't be so bad eye for an eye right
Lisa: don't be so dramatic it's one person that died one person you killed I have killed many people before
Lisa: Pluto look not everything Is hugs kisses puppy dogs a rainbows there are bad people in this world who will only hurt and I know you want to see the best in them and hope for change I admire that in you but you have to realize some people just don't want or need that kind of help
Pluto: but he didn't have to die for it I could have got him to realize I could have found a way to stop I could have-
Lisa cuts him off
Lisa: you could have done many thing differently Pluto yes but that won't change where we are now and what he has done or what he would do if you have not done what you did you strive to be the best he just try's to stay where he was you could not help what doesn't want help
Pluto: your wrong I could have helped him
Lisa: I don't have time for this we need to go
Pluto: then leave me here
Lisa: I'm not going to leave you
Pluto cry's out tears rolling down his face
Lisa: no ugh Adam come help me grab him
Adam nods and they both grabs Pluto he was kicking a screaming the whole time as he was dragged away from his father Pluto crying for his father over and over as he was taken to the safe area philp was there with raven taking care of the injured in the safe area they give him to philp as he was crying and screaming philp noticed his injured arm and legs wanted to try to treat them but Pluto kept kicking and moving around screaming for his father as Lisa try's to keep him still
Philp: Lisa what happened
Lisa: Pluto killed his dad and now he is freaking out about it he won't calm down
Pluto try to fight them over and over sun came over with a plant that he used to get Pluto to slowly fall asleep

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