Philp pov part 12

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Pluto was holding onto him tightly closeting his eyes shut as he carried him back home philp then noticed bruises around his neck he hadn't noticed there before he ignored it and kept running back home it had started to rain out here making the ground all muddy there was a root in the ground that philp had not seen and his foot got stuck in it he tripped and fell dropping Pluto into the mud philp got out trying to get his foot out from the root as he saw two people run up to them Adam try to help philp get his foot unstuck and Lisa took her sword just in case they wanted to start a fight it was a girl and a boy who stoped by near them philp knew them each one was Jupiter and the boy next to her was mars
Lisa: your going to have to come get him from us
Jupiter smiles
Jupiter: alright
Jupiter takes out some nunchucks and runs after Lisa Pluto gets up and takes out a small blade from his pocket
Philp: why do you have a knife with you
Pluto gets nervous
Pluto: ummmm I-it doesn't matter right now
He uses the knife to cut philp free philp saw it was a two on one with Jupiter and mars against Lisa philp takes out his gun but Pluto grabs his arm forcing him to miss
Pluto; stop where not hurting anyone
He takes out a different type of gun that shoots out a little ball and opens up to become a net getting both Jupiter and mars stuck
Pluto: hah it works
He looked at philp
Pluto: I mean I always knew it worked I totally would not test out a gun I made just now on the battlefield just now and possibly endanger the safety of your friend there
Philp raised an eyebrow in disbelief
Pluto: anyways let's go heal that friend of yours
They get to the house and Pluto looked at raven
Pluto: god this is bad what happened I thought you told me you would tell me if any sighs came up
Philp: well I didn't see any sighs till she got back
Pluto: what do you mean you saw no sighs it takes 3 week for it to get this bad
Philp: well she was kidnapped for a day or two and when she came back she was like this
Pluto: that would not happen that quickly unless something had been weakening her body already
Adam: she did lose her ability maybe that was it?
Pluto: no even then it would still give her at least two weeks unless
Pluto puts his goggles on and sees something
Pluto: oh ummm I think I know why
Adam: why?
Pluto: seems she's pregnant
Adam: what
Pluto: yeah
Adam: you must be mistaken she can't be
Pluto: how long ago has she had sex with someone
Adam: around like a week ago
Pluto: and it takes a week for a child to start it process in a mothers stomach assuming she wants to keep the child
Adam steps back a little thinking about things trying to access what is going on
Pluto sighs
Pluto: well we can't use my normal method since I don't want to accidentally harm the kid ummmm here give me a moment
Pluto walks outside he opens these mechanical wings from a bag that he had and flew away into the sky for a moment came back a few moments later with some supplies and starts to work on healing raven Lisa looks at Adam
Lisa: are you alright
Adam: one my girlfriend is sick two I find out she's pregnant I'm only 15 how am I meant to raise a kid
Philp: Adam you have helped take care of my kids better then my father ever took care of me I think you'll do just fine but it's still your choice if you want to be a father or not and that's just assuming raven wants the child
Adam: part of me kinda hopes she dose but right now I just want her to get better

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