Ravens pov part 1

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She wakes up today like every other cruel day but what relived her that today would be the last she planned everything out she was ready she would get her morning coffee like she always dose then be on her way she stands up and gets ready puts on her favorite shirt with her favorite band on it she dose her makeup and makes herself look as nice as possible she wanted to at least look nice on her final day she leaves her apartment and buys a cup of coffee from the store she always went too and sat outside to enjoy the nature she went to this store everyday so she could see Felix work Felix was a friend of hers when she was all on her own when she was worth less then a penny he helped get her to become worth more then a million dollars got her the nicest clothes helped her become a super star but she could not help but ruin that too with a stupid bet of hers and she was too ashamed to even talk to him after that so she just watches his growth from a distance Felix became a talk show host to a new a show called BET IT witch was ironic since a bet almost got him out of business but he has a way of taking something bad and turning into something good his only mistake was he try to do the same with her but she knew she could really never be fixed and well now she is just a nobody well not fully there are rumors that spread about the washed up celebrity raven she rolls her eyes at the thought of it but maybe it's for the best as she looks by two girls walk past her whispering she could only hear whispers on what they may be saying like " oh is that her " "I would not even dare to show my face after what happened" " wasn't that years ago" "yeah but she's still a freak why doesn't she fall of a bridge or go missing or something now that's a headline I would rather read" "haha oh yeah washed up celebrity raven gone missing without a trace" "I hope she is miserable for what she did" raven didn't really do anything the most she did was sing songs about a few exs drank way to much alcohol and made a bad bet while drunk she never did anything so to say bad but somehow rumors started that she did something horrible not sure what it changes every time and now everyone thinks she's a monster she hates people who are so low to spread false accusations at people just to stir some drama she was about to stand up and say something when she stops herself thinking to herself even if it is immature to spread rumors it would be even more Immature to start a fight over it she promised she would stop arguing with random strangers about stupid things like this she sighs plus they where right about one thing she was a monster who would be better of away from the world she changes thought as she sees Felix leave his work of his morning walk she gets nervous and thinks we'll this is the last time we would be able to talk she slowly walks over to Felix and puts on a fake smile
Raven: hello Felix
Felix looks over to see raven his face lit up and hugs her normally she would say no to any sort of hug from anyone but Felix was different she would always let him hug her she never hugs back but she thinks he knows she happy to see him without the pleasantries
Felix: where have you been I have missed you
He puts raven down from his deep bear hug
Raven: oh I have been you know around
Felix: oh raven later this month there is a huge party that I still need a plus two for would you like to come I'm a bit busy now but we can catch up together there if you want and if you don't want me to be your plus one that's fine I got an extra ticket for who ever you want to be your plus one it's for the yearly ball that one the highest people go too you might even see some old friends there
Raven: ummm well I will be busy that day
Raven looks down
Felix: is everything alright I can move plans over if you need someone to talk too
Raven: no no I'm good
Felix started to look worried but brushed it off
Felix: ok if you ever need me I will be around here the same time everyday and here
Felix takes out two tickets and gives them to her
Flexi: if you ever change your mind...oh and here
Felix takes out a paper and hands it to her
Felix: if you ever need to call I will always pick up if you need help with anything I will always pick up no matter at anytime alright I will not care how stupid you think it is if it is you I will always come to help even if you just need someone to talk to ok?
Raven: ok
Raven says softly
Felix: I'll see you around
Felix walks away leaving raven with the phone number and two ball tickets she puts them in her pocket as she left back to her apartment building she used the elevator to go to the top floor and went up the stairs to the roof of the building she gets up on the railing and is now ready this will be the end of her story she jumps of then a flash appeared out of nowhere she fell into a room that looked to be a kids room with her old friend philp a little girl a girl her age and boy she never seen before

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