Rose pov part 2

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she sees jack walking back from the forest. She runs over and hugs him tightly. She was worried about him he is like a little brother to her, and would not wish any harm upon him. Unlike his real brother. She squeezed him till she started hearing him say ow and quickly let go. She brought him over to Raven who was listening to Pluto, helping her know what to do to fix him up. 

Rose: Jack, Raven will do the the best she can to fix you up. 

Jack: thanks but I don't need too right now.

Rose: your bleeding a lot of course you need it right now.

Jack: I just..... Thank you Rose.

Rose: for what?

Jack: helping me out.

Rose: no problem but what brings this up?

Jack: nothing.

jack looks away from rose. she knew that face. she did not remember from where though. was it near when they first met? he looked extremely depressed back then. that was just from letting himself be manipulated for so long. why was he upset now?

Rose: what's wrong?

Jack: nothing, nothing is wrong.

Rose: your acting weird.

Jack: I just want to say thank you and goodbye.

Rose: why goodbye?

Jack: I'll be on my own for a bit. I ummm need to think things over.

Ravens face changed like she knew this tone before. She knew this sentence before. She knew what was going to happen

Raven: Jack ummm hay, I know we don't talk much but, I am always free too if you need.

Jack: umm thanks.

Jack leaves to talk to sun for a second. Raven had a worried face and whispered something to Felix. Rose came up and, try to ask them what they thought was going on. they saw jack off to leave through the back door. Felix quickly came over and started talking to him. trying o keep him here and near pepole. Raven went to talk to Adam. he too also gained a worried face. Rose had no clue what was going on? all she knew is that they needed jack with company right now. Jack felt uninterested and confused with Felix talking to him. he never was interested with talking with jack before so it was strange how he now gained interest. she understood why jack was so weirded out by him talking. the issue here is that he may want to leave more because of that. so she came up to talk to him.

Jack: ah well thats interesting....well I have to go now know.

Rose: Jack buddy hayyyy, how are you

Jack: I'm fine why are you all acting weird

Rose: I just want to talk to the coolest person ever?

Jack: coolest person ever? are you alright? should I call somebody?

Rose: don't be funny like that. hay want to go play a bored game or something?

Jack: no really like my phone is right here. I can call someone right now if you need.

Rose: na come on j dog lets go do something fun.

Jack: are you on drugs? you know how and that is for your body?

Felix: yeah what are you doing 

Rose looks at him and whispers too Felix.

Rose: I don't know really. From what I know you want to keep him in the house. He has been acting weird so if you guys know more about this then.....I want to help

Felix looks back and jack was gone.

Felix: come on really? well if you need to know raven suspects something. Im not sure if it's true so I have been trying to figure him out. if it is we want him to stay near so he doesn't do anything.

he says while looking around for Jack.

Rose: what dose she suspect?

Felix finds jack now talking to Adam outside of the house. 

Felix: she thinks he wants to off himself.

Rose: oh he has before. thats why I make sure there is no weapons near him. so he is safe. he has nothing that can harm himself with.

Felix: what about that gun in his back pocket.

Rose: he has no gu-

she stops talking once she sees the weapon. It was Philps gun he must of taken it when Philp wasn't looking. wait that dose not make sense. he would not come by to say goodbye if he wanted to die. he would do it right away unless someone gave him the idea too. someone who wanted him dead. someone like Philp. he wanted him dead. he gave him the gun. he gave him the idea to do everything, but he still needed to make them think he did not lead to his demise. That is why he put the idea in his head in the first place so, he could still seem like he gave him a chance but, still kill jack in the end like he wanted. of course this was just a thought of course she no proof it was true. she walked up to jack and slowly took the gun from his pocket as he talked. He looked at her about to say something but looked away pretending he did not notice. She tapped his shoulder like going nice try. she walked back inside the house. She hides the weapon somewhere the best she could. She sits on her bed messaging her head as she try to think. This whole thing was a bad idea. one day of him talking with Philp and he is back to his old ways. Maybe if this dose not get better, she may need to take him away from here as well. She will need to talk to him once he is away from the others. 

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