Raven pov part 3

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She calls up Felix he picked up
Felix: hay raven are you alright
Raven: yeah I'm fine
Felix: are you sure do you wanna talk about something
Raven: well yes its actually to see if your ok you seemed strange on tv today
Felix: oh you watched my show
Raven: a bit of it
Felix:....that's nice but ummm I'm fine you should really be more focused on yourself right now
Raven: me? Why? No this is about you and if your ok
Felix: raven someone saw you
Raven: saw me what
Felix: jump off the building
Raven thinks for a moment and remembers she jumped off the building to kill herself but philp rang the bell before she could hit the bottom
Raven:.....oh ummm yeah that
Felix: are you alright you can tell me anything I promise you I will listen
Raven: look Felix I'm alright
Felix: raven your not something is going on with you and I want to help you
Raven: I'm fine
Felix: please raven I have been worried sick
Raven thinks about him acting differently was that because he was worried about her why would he care about her she almost ruined him
Raven: I'm ok
Felix: you know what where are you right now
Raven: in a house in the forest why
Felix: I don't think you should be alone right now I can find a way to get to you and make sure you have some company
Raven: no no it's fine I'm with philp
Felix: the dude who left you alone on the streets?
Raven nervously answers him
Raven: yes
Felix: why are you with him
Raven: I gave him a bell awhile back that if he needed any help he would ring it and I would appear and help him so it rang but he did not need my help so he Brock it to set me free
Felix: ok if your free from it why are you still with him
Raven: well I may have done something that made them not trust me on my own
He clears his voice
Felix: you tried it aging
Raven: but I'm fine you don't have to worry
Felix: no you try to kill yourself then try it a second time on the same day
Raven: well I have a group of people who can make sure I don't do it aging
Felix: philp left you on the door step and then almost let you die I don't trust him please tell me there is someone better then him there with you
Raven: actually I don't know any of these people
Felix: your staying in a house full of strangers and they are the ones who are going to protect you oh hell no Jenny clear my day I need to go
Raven: Felix I'm fine
Felix: send me your address right now
Raven: Felix it's ok I don't need your help
Felix: fine then Jenny get me a person to figure out a raven zodiac's location right now
Raven: no Felix come on I know how you feel about philp but he can take care of me
Felix: no he won't dose not matter I'm going to where you are
Raven: why do you care so much
Felix: because raven I care about you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you
Raven: you where fine with leaving me on my own before why can't you do it now
Felix: because at the time I thought the best thing you wanted was space then I found out you try to jump off a building  you know how hard it was for me to hear that and would if philp didn't accidentally ring that bell on time you would have been dead I could have lost you forever
Raven: I dose not matter
Felix: it dose you have been like the family I never knew you have been by my said since day one I would never want to see you hurt not aging I'll see you as soon as I can ok raven
Raven: you don't need to come find me
Felix: but I will and if you want to stay with philp that's fine but I want to be there to make sure nothing happens
Raven: what about your show
Felix: someone could cover for me
Raven: how long are you willing to spend here
Felix: as long as I see I am needed there once I know you'll be ok on your own aging and if you still don't want me there then I'll leave but until then I'll stay with you oh looks like my ride is here I'll see you in a few
He hangs up the phone how did this happen she wanted to make sure he was ok how did the topic switch to her well guess she needs to explain what's happing to Adam now

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