plutos pov part 5

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after takeing care of hades he started talking to Philp to help him be distracted with him instead of his sister after he got a text from her that she left he made sure to go to her room and put a dummy in place so if Philp came to check he would think she was still there once he knew Philp was asleep he was about to leave himself when Adam stoped him

Adam: hay what are you doing up at this hour

Pluto: oh I'm j-just umm going for a walk

 Adam: ok but don't go near the forest its dangerous at this time of night and well your my responsibility now so I don't want to see you hurt

Pluto: aren't we the same age

Adam: yes but as long as you live here your my responsibility 

Pluto: right ummmm ok b-bye

Adam: wait

Pluto: yes?

Adam: I saw you talking with Antonette something about her feels off and that's not just cause she insulted me on how I look.....just be careful with her

Pluto: alright I will be

he leaves quickly and Adam goes back to what he had been doing before Pluto thought about what he said then rolled his eyes she's probably not all that bad was she? he pushed the thought aside and went to go find her he texted her asking where she was and told him the addresses he went to where she was and she was talking to a young boy

Pluto: hay 

he said nervously

Antonette: oh hi Pluto I was talking with my friend here lane have you met him

Pluto: ummmm well....

he looked at him he was a tall dude with a skull t-shirt on looked like the kind of dude you don't want to get on the bad side with he may have seen him once while he was working in the store but before Pluto could answer lane started to speak

lane: oh hay its you from the store the one with the cool wings did not think of you as the party type man

Pluto: I'm not I'm here for Antonette to make sure she's safe

lane: that's cool dude I think I know just the kind of person you would be willing to talk to violet over there is pretty cool and plus she's single if you know what I mean

Antonette interrupted 

Antonette: actually he is already taken by me in fact

she said putting an arm around Pluto

Antonette: plus violet already has enough stuff anyways dose she really need more.....Pluto why don't you get me a drink over there the one he's spiking 

Pluto: spiking what dose that mean to spike a drink

Antonette: really its like putting  alcohol or drugs in a drink

Pluto: really I do not think that's good for you

Antonette: yeah none is good for you but its fun to do 

Pluto: I don't know I don't want you getting sick

Antonette: ill be fine actually get two drinks 

Pluto: alright but why two

Antonette: I want you to try some

Pluto: I ummmm I don't know

Antonette: common one sip won't hurt

Pluto: but-

Antonette: no buts just go grab the drinks don't embarrass me Pluto do you really want to be the only one not getting drunk at this party

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