Rose pov part 1

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Rose wakes up her husband was already up and about she walks downstairs and makes some food for herself she did not live in a big home or had a grand life but she did not mind it she made herself some breakfast and looked at a family photo she looked at her little boy her son in the photo looked away and put the photo down to where she could not see the boys face her son had died years ago and it was still hard to look at him her mother had gone mad talking about this writer who was going to fix everything and she needed some souls for the job to help bring everyone a better life she killed her son she wanted her dead but her husband looked at her and took pity said she gone crazy and was becoming I'll and he brought her to a doctor witch he was right about one thing she was sick apparently anyone who comes in contact with seeing this writer becomes I'll not just in making them do stupid things but slowly kills their brain she slowly gotten to the point where she could not walk or speak she started to look into people who have seen the writer the news was mostly all the same they went crazy and died a little later but there was two moments where their head was clear and did not get sick from seeing the writer there was a girl she killed herself without a word on why and boy who did the same but said it was to ensure everyone's safety and talked about how there was only one last person who will be able to see the writer with the clear head and if they don't want to all die he must never set him free and he as well killed himself after that she had been looking to help these people to ensure they don't go crazy and kill there loved ones or harm themselves but they always end up dead from an infected brain she wonders who that one person was the one who could see this so called writer clearly without getting sick she walked over to her husband art studio and saw him planning out a statue
Rose: Louis how's your day been going
She said grabbing both his shoulders behind him and kissing his cheek
Louis: it's going well I think I figured out what I'm going to build
Rose: oh really
Louis: yeah but how are you
Rose: I'm alright
Louis: have you found that mysterious person who's gonna see the writer without illness yet
Rose: no
Louis: why is the writer so important to you
Rose: well if this person wanted my son dead and two people killed themselves just to ensure he is never freed he must be a bad man and I don't want their deaths to be in vain
Louis: alright I see your point butttttt kinda miss sleeping with you without you looking up stuff constantly on your laptop all night
Rose: right I do need to not stay up so late I will work on that
Rose looks at Louis
Rose: what?
Louis: what your what
Rose: why are you starting at me
Louis: because your beautiful
Louis stand up from his seat and picks her up by her waist and spins her around
Louis: and your all mine
He stops just to look in her eyes as she giggles
Rose: put me down
Louis drops her and she kisses him rose smiles
Rose: what's got you so cheerful
Louis: I don't know maybe because todays special and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us
Rose thinks crap today was special and she had told Louis not to do anything today because she had something planned but she forgot to set up anything she was so deep in research that she forgot about their anniversary
Rose: yes yes I have something vary special for you planned just give me a moment
Louis: ok but I may have broken a rule and had done oneee small thing for you two
Rose: really?
Louis: yep
He takes out a velvet box and gives it to her rose opens it it was a diamond necklace that looked just like the one Louis mother got from her husband awhile back she loved their love story on how they would go on adventures together how they made sure each other where well cared for they where the perfect couple he gave a diamond necklace to her so she always knew no matter how poor they where she was always a gem to him they died on a ship together and the necklace was lost forever
Louis: I mean you loved the necklace so much I found a way to get someone to find it in a ship wreck in the ocean
Rose: you didn't
Louis smiles that smile proved he did when ever he lies his nose dose a little twitch thing but it did not twitch
Rose hugs Louis and kissed him over and over aging
Rose: thank you thank you thank you so much god this is beautiful how where you able to afford it
Louis: well I saved some money from work and thought it would be nice to get you something special
Rose: wait don't tell me it was from you little money bank
Louis: no
His nose twitched
Rose: Louis you where saving up to get yourself something not for me something
Louis: I do get something I get to see you happy
Rose: you know what I mean
Louis: it's fine I would rather see you happy then getting something stupid for myself
Rose frowns he always made sure to do something special for her but never in this marriage had she done anything for him and she has nothing for him even now on their anniversary all because her stupid mind forgot to plan ahead
Louis: what wrong
Rose: nothing nothing I'm fine
she pulls away from Louis arms holding onto the necklace tightly
Louis: did I get you the wrong thing?
Rose: no no it's perfect
Louis: then what is it
Rose: it's nothing alright
Rose quickly leaves the room making Louis feel he did something wrong

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