Lisa pov part 3

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Lisa and Adam both pick help bring philp home he kept saying he's fine and can walk on his own then only going a few feet before falling over so at some point Lisa and Adam decided to carry him Adam asked philp questions about what happened and asking if he is alright while Lisa just lectures him the whole time they bring him home and hades was on the front porch watching they had told him to stay there to keep watch of the house and brought philp inside drops philp on the couch and continues to lecture him he just stayed quite watching her making sure she knew he was paying attention and Adam looks around for a med kit
Adam: it will be useful if we had a doctor around
Adam mumbles to himself
Hades: yeah especially if mister bear trap plans on keep getting hurt over and over aging
Philp: It was one time I made a mistake
Hades: still It would be nice to have a doctor out here
Adam find the med kit and starts to patch up philps leg
Lisa: philp new rule you are not allowed to leave this place without telling me where your going I don't want to lose you again
Lisa looks at philp worried
Philp: I thought you hated me why should you care if I get hurt
Lisa: I do care
She hits him over the head
Philp: what was that for
Lisa: being stupid
Lisa looks at philp his eyes glimmering in the light a strand of hair falling into his face only made him look cuter amongst his gorgeous body scars along his arms probably from battle it made her want to get close to him she sat next to him on the couch looking at him
Philp: Lisa you alright
Lisa: yeah why
Philp: cause your kinda breaking my personal bubble right now
Lisa looks down she had not noticed herself put her hand on his chest and she was so close to him she could almost kiss him Lisa blushes and pulls away
Lisa: o-oh I'm sorry I was not thinking
Philp grins a bit at her reaction
Philp: I mean if you wanna get closer you can I won't mind being touched by a beautiful rose like you is a gift
Lisa: ew shut up she punches him in the stomach and storms off
Philp: and every rose defiantly has its thorns
he said coughing from lack of air from the punch Lisa smiles and giggles at the thought of his touch as she goes to her room
Philp: that lady confuses me
Adam: how?
Philp: one moment she hates me then the next she cares then goes right back to hating me
Adam: well I mean from what I am seeing she likes you
Philp: yeah the punch showed she loves me a real lot
Adam: maybe she dose not know how to feel about you yet but I know she dose like you
Philp: if you say so
Adam: well I'm going to bed goodnight philp good night hades
Philp: good night Adam
Hades: *yawns* night both of you
Both Adam and hades gose to their rooms to sleep and philp just opens his suit case and looks through all the info he has trying to discover why there stalking Lisa he sees a mark under the little birds foot a symbol seems like he has seen it before he starts trying to look into where the symbol maybe from while everyone else rests

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