Adams pov part 1

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Adam saw the person the king had told Lisa about how someone was gonna come to ensure Lisa safety but Lisa seemed unimpressed but he suspects it's not because philp more with her father he went after Lisa and asked her what's wrong
Lisa: him he's what's wrong
She said pointing at philp who stayed in the livening room while there down the hall
Adam: did he say something
Lisa: no he was just fine
Adam: then why are you upset
Lisa: because the fact that he is here shows that my father dose not trust me on my own
Adam: it's a dangerous place right now I don't blame him but hay you said you where only allowed to stay in your room before but now you have the whole world to experience you just have someone keeping an eye on you and sending in reports on your progress
Lisa: oh right the reports maybe if I show philp how strong I am on my own he can start sending reports on how there is no need for him in the first place then he will have to call back philp and I won't need to have any more solders to deal with
Adam: yeah exactly and I mean he can be useful as well if you are in any danger so why don't you go and tell him you change your mind and that your sorry
Lisa: sorry for what
Adam: calling him weak and ugly
Lisa looks annoyed
Lisa: do I have too
Adam: Lisa go and apologize
Lisa huffs annoyed at the request and slowly walked over to philp once philp looked over at her he began to apologize
Philp: I'm so sorry for what I did I should have addressed you more properly and never should put attitude in my tone of voice like that you deserve more respect if you believe you deserve a new solder I can leave I understand why you may be displeased with me and I can figure things out on my way out but if I stay I will stay by your said and do what ever you tell me to do
Lisa: shut up
Philp: yes ma'am
Philp stops talking
Lisa: look I'm not happy with you being here or that a solder has to look after me but the way I acted was wrong and I'm sorry and it will take too much time for a new solder to get here so I guess you will have to do for now and oh your eyes look like emeralds witch is my favorite gem so I guess you don't look awful
Lisa walks away philps a little confused
Hades: hay looks like you can stay here after all
Philp: I guess so
Adam: hay I need to head to the store Lisa wanna come
Lisa: sure it will be nice to see the town
Adam: what about you hades
Hades: I'm good
Lisa: philp you stay here I'll be out
Philp: but I need to ensure your safety
Lisa: hmmm how about you look around the house making sure nothing is unsafe around her while you wait for my return
Philp: I suppose
Adam: no worry's I can keep her safe as well you can check my records I am completely safe so you don't have to worry about me harming her ether
Philp sighs
Philp: ok I need to look at my surroundings anyways
Lisa and Adam leave to go the closet store leaving philp and hades alone at home

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