Raven pov part 11

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Meanwhile raven is trying to figure out this spell philp walks over to raven she was trying to make water float in mid air
Philp: hay raven
Raven: not now
Philp: alright sorry just was wondering if sun was alright
Raven: why would i know
Philp: i don't know both of you guys are close and he looks upset for some reason
Raven: upset upset about what
Philp: who knows
Water starts to drip down and she had to refocus to make sure it doesn't spill
Raven: then why are you asking me why not ask sun
Philp: he wont talk to me and since you know him more i wanted to ask you maybe he has a headache or something cause he keeps rubbing his head like he is upset or stressed about something or maybe hes just sick and has a bad headache who know probably just that sorry to bother you
Raven thinks finally hes gone but why is sun acting like that she opens her eyes and looks around not noticing the water starting to float above her head she sees sun Philp was right something did seem wrong but she knew it was not a headache she got worried putting her focus into sun so now the water fell spilling all over her she looked annoyed and flicked off some of the water but refocused on sun she got up and walked over to him
Raven: sun whats going on
Sun looks over at raven
Sun: why is your hair all wet
Sun said in a serious tone she has never heard him talk in before Raven looked embarrassed for a moment
Raven: well I was trying to.....wait don't change the subject what's going on with you you looked stressed
Sun: i don't know I just have this feeling
Raven: feeling like what
Raven sits in a seat next to him
Sun: I don't know it's just it's a feeling about jack
Raven: jack why are you getting feelings for him
Sun blushes
Sun: not feelings like that well ummm maybe no wait not that though I mean like how I get feelings for you every now and then when I think something is up
Raven: what do you think is up with jack
Sun: I don't know it's a scary feeling
Raven: well shouldn't that be good if he is scared then he won't mess with us
Sun: no it's a scary feeling to something.....no someone else's someone he can't escape from who he always has to see
Raven: himself
Sun: yes....well no.....WAIT WAIT MAYBE
Raven: what?
Sun grabs both her shoulders his voice was still serious but not stressed anymore more like he figured something out
Sun: that moment when we where kidnapped by jack I had a few moments alone with him
Raven: why where you alone with jack what did he want with you
Sun blushes
Sun: that part is not important
Raven: ok? But I may ask about that later
Sun: well he would have a moment where he would constantly look in the mirror at first I thought he just likes looking at himself but then I realized he was looking at it scared like worried someone was gonna see him he then sat me in front of the mirror like blocking it's view
Raven: why did he-
Sun cuts her off
Sun: but then when he put a blanket in front of the mirror that's when he felt like doing what he wanted
Raven: doing what he wanted what did he want to do with you
Sun: not the point
Raven: what is
Sun: maybe he is seeing someone in his reflection that's scaring him
Raven: his reflection
She says almost in disbelief
Raven: na that sounds impossible who the hell will be in someone's else reflection
Sun: says the person who was floating water over her head in thin air
Raven: well that sounds stupid and even if that was true why should we care about him being scared of this man anyways I mean he kidnapped us so why should we care about him
Sun: fair points but I feel like he is a good person
Raven: the boy kidnapped us and trying to kill Lisa how is he a good person
Sun: I don't know it's just a feeling I mean his friends I could tell aren't good and another presence around him that is not good but him of itself by itself seems good
Raven: I would stay away from him if I were you
Sun: but
Raven: he is a bad man and I don't want you getting hurt promise me you won't talk to him willingly aging alright
Sun: wait b-
Raven: sun promise
Sun: I promise
Raven: now about what happened with him what did jack want with you when you where by himself with him
Sun: nothing don't worry about it
Raven: sun what happened
Sun blushes
Sun: I had no idea it was him at the time
Raven: what do you mean
Sun: well just.....never mind
Raven fells a striking pain in her neck she knew this one was coming though this one must have been one of her visions already page 43 ether way it still was a horrible pain like blood covering her lungs raven gripped one hand on the arm rest and the other on the table leaning her body fold over her legs as she starts crying in pain sun looked shocked and try to figure out what's going on she starts screaming crying philp came over asking what happend sun try to explain that she just started crying out of nowhere raven starts coughing up blood this felt worst then the other death she experienced since this one was a slow and suffocation death her pucking out huge amounts of blood at a time her head spinning from the loss of blood
Sun: raven are you ok!
Raven: no but it's fine i just have to wait it out
She felt a striking pain in her back as she screamed louder then her legs this pain kept going for hours till eventually it stops giveing her a moment to breath then one last strike through the heart and the pain fully stopped so wiped the blood off her mouth and looked at how surprised philp and sun where
Raven: what?
Sun: are you ok
Raven: yeah just felt someone dieing I'm good now
Sun: who died
Raven: oh th-
She stopped looking at Lisa in the room and try's to decide wether to say or not philp sees how she is looking at Lisa
Philp: is it someone Lisa knows
Raven: yes
Philp: who?
Lisa heard that then suddenly looked concerned Lisa walks over
Lisa: who raven
Raven:.....I'm sorry
Lisa: who was it
Lisa starts getting really upset thinking about who it could be
Raven: no
She screams in pain realizing who it was she collapsed to the floor crying like crazy
Lisa: it's not my father is it please tell me
Raven looks away from her that response told her everything making her scream louder
raven looks at sun as she said this
Raven: jack kill him jack killed the king
Sun looked shocked lisa got up and left to her grabbed the sword and started to storm off about to leave the house
Philp: where are you going
He said as he grabbed Lisa's arm
philp: it's too dangerous for you to leave right now they could kill you too their goal is to kill the whole royal family so by going to him you'll just make it easier for them to get to you we will get to him just not now if we go now you will get hurt or worst you will die
Philp: Lisa then the kingdom will fall your brother is also in that kingdom and if he got caught and killed as well your the only air to the throne left and I don't think you want your people to suffer or let him win.....
Philp also looks away mumbling to himself
Philp: plus I would not know what to do with myself if you were gone I would
Kill myself you you where gone
He looked upset Lisa saw how upset he looked when she said she did not care if she died she took a deep breath to calm down
Lisa: philp I'm sorry I do care if I'm alive or not but....
She takes her hand off the door handle
Lisa: never mind this is the safest choice
Lisa looks upset wanting to leave but can't tears started to flood her eyes as she burst into tears and pushed her face into philps chest wrapping her arms around him making lose balance and fall to the floor philp tries to get up but Lisa is holding onto him too tightly wrapping her legs around him as well holding onto him like if she let go he would die or disappear as well she would not let him go no matter what philp hugged her for a moment but need to get to work so try to leave but he couldn't she was holding onto him too tightly
Philp: do you want me to make you something tuck you in bed read you a book or anything right now because I need you to let me go so I can go to work I need figure out where my brother is now so he won't hurt you
Lisa: no
Philp: I need to leave Lisa
He try's to get out of her arms
She says extra angry she has gotten mad at him before but not like this he stops moving once she yells like kinda almost scared of what she might do if he leaves
Lisa snuggles up closer to him still crying
Raven: stop trying to leave her philp she needs you
Philp: oh yeah would if Adam forced you to hug him for this long
Raven: he has forced me to hug him before
Philp: yeah but not for this long on the floor
Raven: oh yeah na I would push him away from me I don't like hugs personally but you do like hugs and she just lost someone important in her life so suck it up
Philp: yes but I need to make sure this place is clear and find where jack is
Raven: don't worry about that I'll figure out how to do it
Philp: but would if he finds you and you get hurt raven
Raven: oh well dose not matter if I get hurt
Philp; it dose you don't want to hurt yourself especially in this state
Raven: what do you mean by in this state im perfectly fine
Philp: you really are not would if you get hurt or killed
Raven: it dose not matter if I die no one will miss me
Philp: raven don't say that
Raven: I'm just a Debbie downer so no one will miss me
Philp: your not but even if what your saying is true your pregnant there is a child you need to keep safe in you you can't be getting hurt so if not for yourself then for the child
Raven: I honestly don't care if I die
Adam: raven!
Adam looks heartbroken hearing that he hugs raven
Adam: don't say stuff like that
Raven hugs him back
Raven: sorry i didn't realize you where near by to hear that
Philp: how about nobody leaves it seems jack is to nervous to come himself so all we have to do is make sure nobody we don't know comes near this house so we can all stay near eachother ok?
Lisa: i like that plan if it means you don't have to leave
Philp picks lisa up she wont let him move around otherwise and puts her into a bed so she would be more comfortable but when he try to leave lisa pulled him back onto the bed and forced him to stay with her

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