Sun pov part 4

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Raven: well everyone thinks I'm dead so they won't realize I'm here
Sun knew one main thing about raven from the time she stayed here she was always scared to take risks the only time she took a risk was to leave to the outside world but no one ever really came back from there except....raven did and she came back willing to risk her life for what...a plant?...tea bag?
Sun: I don't think coming all this way is worth it for a Lola plant I love plants too but this is a huge risk for your life....wait you came from the outside world yes
Raven: yeah?
Sun: and the stranger he's from that place
Raven: yea
Sun felt faint and his breathing became faster in panic but try to keep a calm face on the outside
Sun: ummmmm I'm gonna get the plant and you stay here
Sun looks at Adam nervously
Sun: please don't kill or destroy anything
Sun goes to the back room in panic dusk catches onto it
Dusk: what's wrong sun
Sun: ravens here from the outside and she brought an outsider with her
Dusk: sun it's fine there just story's to scare us it's not real on what they do and how did raven get back in how dose she plan on getting back out
Sun: I don't know
Dusk: why is she here
Sun: to get a Lola plant
Dusk: oh alright I'll help you get it
Sun: it's the tea bag especially for it
Dusk: right ok

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