Lisa pov part 2

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They just got to the house when they said they lived in the woods she assumed it was gonna be a small cottage but no they lived in a huge house in the woods how they got the money to afford that who knows hades opens the door to a comfortable home and with a huge livening space Lisa scans the room with her eyes trying to find any danger around but found none
Hades: hay wanna go to bed it's getting dark
Lisa: no I'm fine I need to stay up anyways to ensure you don't do anything shady
Hades: wow what did I do to deserve this distrust
Lisa: committing two crimes in one day
Hades: hay that was out of self defense
Lisa: killing the hound wasn't though
Hades: I paid the price
Lisa: alright well goodnight
Hades: see ya
Hades walks upstairs
Adam gets a text message he looks at his phone and sighs
Adam: hay Lisa you should get some rest
Lisa: I'm fine
Adam: I know you are just to keep your body energized though you don't know what will pop up
Lisa: hmmmm I do need more energy if I wanna fight I was taken down pretty quickly by hades
Adam: exactly so you should rest
Lisa sighs and thinks what is the worst that could happen
Lisa: alright where am I sleeping
Adam: there is a guest bedroom over there
Adam said gesturing over to a room
Adam: you could stay there if you wish but I do have many other rooms for you to go too if you so desire
Lisa: ok thanks
Lisa goes off to sleep and wakes up too the smelt of warm bacon in the air Lisa gets out of bed and walks over to the aroma she sees Adam cooking some breakfast bacon eggs and beans as hades helped butter some toast once it popped out
Adam: Lisa your awake great just a moment we can all eat I would have started later like normal but hades woke me up nagging at me over breakfast and how he was soooooo hungry
Adam say's giggling
Adam: hades no that's for breakfast
Lisa sees hades has eaten all the toast
Adam: gosh darn it hades now we have to make more
There was a knock at the door and hades rushes past Lisa to answers it but then quickly stops near the door jumping up and down
Hades: can I can I
Adam: yeah sure go ahead
Hades opens the door and sees a tall dude with a uniform on and a symbol on his shoulder armor he must have been a soldier the question was what he was doing here for he had a caring smile and he would be quite handsome if he fixed up his hair and clothes he had two suit cases in ether hand and his voice sounded like silk as he talked
Solder: hello sorry to bother you sir but is this where the inhabitants of a lady named Lisa is I was requested by the king himself to help protect her majesty and to inform her of her safety while at the stay of this home
Hades: you don't have to sound all fancy like where are you from
Solder: oh my birth place was France but my family traveled over to Lindra quite awhile ago I don't know much from the place a i was born in though just know the language
Hades: right anyways Lisa he's here for you
Lisa looks over to the door and the solder eyes glimmered he fixed up his hair and his clothes once he saw her almost like instinct
Hades: you can come in if you want
Solder glances at hades for a second
Solder: oh yes thank you
He grabs both suit cases and walks over to Lisa
Solder: hello ma'am I'm philp what might a beauty like you be called
Lisa: Lisa
Philps eyes widen and he instantly bows down to you
Philp: my apologies ma'am I had no idea I was in the presence of royalty
Lisa groans seeing him bow like that it was graceful yes but she hates the sight of someone kneeling down to her
Lisa: yeah whatever at ease
Philp stood tall
Lisa: why are you here
Philp: I was sent to protect you
Lisa: I don't need Protecting so you can leave
Philp thinks back to what the king had told him if he failed as a solder and got sent back from her for any reason he will kill him and his family
Philp: already ma'am what have I done wrong to upset you
Lisa: from the looks of things you are a newbie and haven't worked a day in your life I need someone strong by my side not faulty human who thinks he's better then people just cause he owns a lot of money
Philp: I can ensure you I have worked a lot more then you expect and I'm not the type to flaunt my money around ma'am
Lisa: I need someone who is willing to get there hands dirty you don't seem like that type of guy plus your ugly too
Philp thinks we'll now she just spitting out insults for no reason at all
Philp: I am willing to get my hands dirty ma'am I have been in the deepest trenches of the war before I have killed many men with my bare hands and some I would not say where vary clean so I'm do not mind a little dirt and well I can't exactly change the way I look to you ether I'm sorry but this is what you have
Lisa: and I don't want it just go away
Lisa storms off angry leaving philp confused if he said something out of turn or wrong some how
Adam: just wait a moment philp I'm gonna talk to her for you alright
Adam leaves rushing behind Lisa to catch up to her

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