Hades pov part 2

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(Note from writer
This one has rough languages in it so if you do not like to see words like that probably ignore this one)

Hades sees philp leave he was looking around this place for awhile but did not think much of it he went to his room and started watching tv in there watching action shows then playing video games after he got bored and left his room philp was still not back nether was Adam or Lisa he started drawing making little pictures of sorts but he got bored of that as well he needed something to do philp must be around somewhere near the house how about he gose out looking for him he leaves looking around trying to find anyone around he could not find philp anywhere he became extremely worried it was starting to get late he should not be out this long Lisa and adam came home just before the sun dipped away Lisa looks around for a bit and sees hades
Lisa: oh hi hades how was your time with philp
Hades: I did not spend any he spent the whole time looking around for safety errors around the house
Lisa: oh well where is he
Hades: philp....oh well I don't exactly know
Adam: hades what did you do
Hades: why do you assume it's something I did I haven't seen him all day
Lisa notice some footprints leading to the woods
Lisa: maybe he went through the woods that way
She pointed to the foot prints
Adam: oh no that's not good
Lisa: why?
Adam: do you know what happens in these woods at night?
Lisa: no
Hades: where not meant to be out there during this time because of the hunters people go out hunting for anything deer cows mouse pigs even humans anything they can shoot with a bullet in these woods they hunt if you have a symbol on your arm they won't kill you but Lisa no one here belongs to that group none of us have that symbol philp is dead meat out there I'm sure he can face some pretty strong dudes but these men are brutal
Lisa: how is this even allowed why would my father just let his people kill others for sport
Hades: I mean did you know me and Adam where livening here this deep in the woods
Lisa: no
Hades: then the king probably has no idea ether we're so far away from the kingdom walls that it's vary unlikely he is getting reports about us over here and if he was one of his advisors sons are in this group so they probably keep it away from the kings eye so they won't get in trouble
Lisa: no they would not do something like that
Hades: well it's been going on for years now and the king has ent even blinked an eye at the issue so ether the king dose not care or he has no idea what the fuck is going on in his kingdom
Lisa sits there and contemplates what had just been told to her
Adam: well dose not matter ether way the point is it's dangerous to be out here at night and so we gotta make sure philp is not in any danger cause even if he could pass by any attacks that they throw at him there are many traps he could get caught in
Lisa nods
Lisa: right let's go

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