Hades pov part 1

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Hades walked down the huge hall to the court room and in those moments he regretted his actions witch made him wonder what got him to kill that stupid hound in the first place he thought back a few moments ago he had walked into a bar people all in there own privet conversations he goes up to the bar tender and asked for a drink as he drank the cup an old man started yelling about a beast in the woods and how it killed a young lady all the people groaned annoyed calling him a crazy old man hades got up and asked him where he saw this beast he had told him he saw him in the forest hades told him with a little money he could deal with the beast for him the old man agreed and sent him on his way after killing him that's where he saw Lisa and well now he is here Lisa had walked him into a big room with 6 council sitting on a higher seats then them looming over him making him feel small three people on ether side and the king who sat in the middle of them on a top of a stair case he sat on a massive thrown he seemed higher then the councils members making him the center of attention he had a golden crown upon his head with gem stones lined up near the top of the crown all around the room was heavily armored guards with weapons that could kill even the gods if so pleased Lisa brought him to the center of the room and she bowed to the king as well as the 43 his brother bowed and dragged him down to bow along with him to show respect to the king he never paid any attention to what went on in the kingdom not exactly the political type of person he did not care what happened but he did know some basic stuff about the royal family king Noah was a stubborn king never gives in during a fight and used to give harsh punishments till he married the queen queen Livonia then he became less harsh then before the queen gave birth to two kids 43 the oldest and the next air to the throne and the princess witch the king locked away for unknown reasons people have only seen her face once as a baby and that's all so he had a hard time believing Lisa was really the princess but from how 43 talked to her seems more likely she is then wasn't the kingdom Lindra had started some war he did not care what or why over from the neighboring kingdom navia from the sound of things works there land vary "differently" then ours the war starting 12 years ago and to add on the queen killing herself 2 years ago plus the lack of knowledge the king is given over his people and what they need the kingdom seems to be in quite a mess right now and things are constantly passing under the governments radar so the king has been trying to control as much of the mess as he could while trying to make sure we don't get overthrown ever since the queens death he has been haveing a harder time controlling things so it's best to be gentle with him right now in fears that possible he may go back to his old ways and without the queen to calm him it's unlikely he will be as kind the king looked at 43 and said sternly
King: state you business
43: oh no sir it's not me who put on this court Lisa asked for your presence
King: then you may leave
43 stood up bowed one last time and left the king then looked over at Lisa
King: what are you doing here you should be in your room
Lisa: yes I should be sir but i overheard one of our hounds missing and well you have been focusing on so much I thought that I could investigate for you
Lisa said while starting at the floor keeping her head down
King: at ease Lisa
Only Lisa stood up and looked at her father her body shaking nervous not afraid of her father but more scared of his conical
King: I did not ask you to investigate
Lisa: I know bu-
She was cut off
King: no you could have been killed you are not meant to leave your room
Lisa: I know I just wanted to help
King: I don't need your help Lisa now who are they
Lisa: this is Adam and hades
King: at ease you two
Both hades and Adam stand up
King: now why are they here
Lisa: hades is in violation of code 341 and 209
The king did not care much for the 341 but when he heard 209 his face went sour
King: I see
Adam: sir if I may speak
King: you may
Adam: my brother is vary simple minded he is kinda stupid he had no clue what he was doing
Hades: hay I'm not stupid
Adam: not now
Hades rolls his eyes at Adam
Adam: he had no idea Lisa was of royal blood he will never lay a finger on her again is there anyway I can pay or do anything to make you forgive his stupid dumb actions that where cussed by his weak tiny little dumb dumb brain
Hades: your just having fun with this now aren't you
The king sighs
King: fine you pay off 500 chilling and never step foot in our land aging you shall be fine
Hades eyes widen
Hades: wait wait wait I live in that forest you can't kick me out of my home
King: you try to kill my daughter if anything I should put you on deaths row but I'm decided to be nice and banish you instead
Hades: that's not fair I had no idea that hound was important or part of the royal family or what not I just heard a beast killed a girl and this person said I could make some cash if I killed it I did not think your daughter was gonna come after me for it
King: you came into our land not just killed the beast over money then try to kill a royal family member this punishment is all but fair and in-fact -
Before he could say anything else Lisa quickly cut in
Lisa: hay wait I have an idea this seems to be the first time he has ever committed a crime in our land and he only acted without full knowledge so perhaps we put him on trial bases give him a month under careful watch and make sure he is safe then if nothing goes wrong he shall be home free otherwise we can trial and punish him for it
King: who's gonna watch him on such short notice
Lisa: how about me
The king thinks for a moment
King: ok sure you can watch him
Lisa: I know what your gonna say but trust me I-.....wait did you just say ok?
King: yeah I need to give you more life experiences so putting you in a situation where you get to talk to more people will help you with future life experiences so yeah go ahead of course I will send someone over to ensure your safety but you can go ahead and leave with them
Lisa's eyes lit up
Lisa: really
King: yeah I mean it's only for a month
Lisa: alright thank you I won't disappoint
King: I know you won't remember I'll bring someone to keep an eye on you so don't you just be sending people away and making excuse like you didn't know alright
Lisa: ok
King: I'll see you in a month
Lisa: I'll see you then
Lisa leaves with Adam and hades to their house she walked a little slower then before
Adam: Lisa are you alright
Lisa: yeah he has never agreed that easily before I feel like something is up
Adam: hmmmm maybe but nothing to worry about right now I guess
Lisa: i suppose so
Adam: now let's get home

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