Logic 43 pov part 4

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Antonio and logic 43 found a way to the wall they where hiding behind a building the look past the fence they where hiding behind and see four guards two on the wall and two near the gate this gate the found had a system glitch and was left open so they have are still working to close it they try to sneak behind the guards till one on the wall spots them


the two stoped as one guard near the gate comes near them Antonio keeps his hands near his gun just in case but they both agreed to try to stay away from harming pepole if the could

Logic 43: hay officer we had gotten lost and came near here 

Guard 2: thats fine just need your id then we can leave you off with a warning 

Antonio: oh we lost our ids

guard 2: thats fine do you remember the code of the id

Logic 43: no?

Guard 2: well let me check your arm to see if your a citizen then we can get a photo of you then you can leave

they had no marks so Antonio try to think of what to say when logic 43 just ran off Antonio ran with him Antonio was faster in speed and got in-front of him one of the guards chase them down and while running through the village logic 43 gets taken by the guard him tied him up Antonio ran into the side of the building and realized Logic had been captured he took some flint and steel he had in his pocket that Logic 43 said was useless but now came in handy he used it to start a fire to the store near him making the guard see Antonio chasing after him leaving Logic 43 tied up he rounded the back losing him on the way and gets back to where Logic 43 was grabbing him they got back near the wall to the gate where there where now only three men guarding and Logic had told him it was fine to hurt them now he just needs to get out of here so Antonio grabbed his gun and shot down one on the wall then one on the ground but missed the second guy on the wall both men got shot in the head and blood stained the floor the third man shot back at Antonio making him hit his arm Antonio feel back from the recoil dropping the gun the guard made a report as he was going to shoot again but logic 43 grabbed Antonios gun and shot the solder he aimed for his arm to stop the report but instead he hit the head the body fell back and slammed into the ground staining the street with blood Antonio grabbed Logic 43 and ran out the gate with Logic shocked in his arms that he killed someone he ran into the forest to get to a safer place Logic felt a tiny bit more energy they must be closer to his other side but still want to hurry so he won't have to face a tragic end they make there way through the forest and hid in a cave staying low so the won't get caught   

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