Hades pov part 3

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He went off following the scent of the bird philp had shown him it lead him to a camp people working on something seemed like a dig sight made him confused on what there digging for there was one man who the scent went to the most that must be the man that set up the bird he had to follow him somehow he saw someone leave the job earlier then the others leaving his uniform in a basket of dirty laundry he looks left and right a tip toed over to the basket taking some clothes that look like his size he quickly found a place to put on the outfit and slowly went down to the dog sight the man went to someone stoped him for a quick moment and hades looked nervous it looked like a kind looking man he looked down at hades name tag
Man: Paul right
Hades: ummmm yeah that's the name don't wear it out
he dose a nervous finger gun move pretending to shoot him the old man laughed
Man: alight you must be the newbie right
Hades: yep I start today that's why you never seen me before....no other reason
Man: well all newcomers need a supervisor to go down there make sure you don't touch anything your not meant to
Hades: rightttt yeah for sure ummmmm how do I get one of those so to say
Man: here I'm on my break I can take you
Hades: great thanks
Hades try's to rush down there but the old man was walking extremely slow he would just leave him there but then he saw the old man almost trip and fall and he caught him and thought it's probably best if he walks him down there
Man: thank you Paul I know you want to get down there fast sorry for slowing you down
Hades: it's fine
He carefully helped the old man get to the bottom of the steps and once he turned around his eyes glimmered with excitement there where rocks of all kinds down here some had crystallized almost looking like stars in the night there was turquoise amethyst citrine some where single point crystals geodes clusters of crystals all in one there where rose quarts amazonite garnets and more he loved looking at each different kind of rock he gasped and ran over to one like a child the man looked over and squinted
Man: what is it
Hades: I didn't know you found a fossilized dinosaur looks like it's stuck in amber
Man: dinosaur?
He looks closely at the amber rock the his eyes widened
Man: your right there is a fossil in here good eye!
Hades: thank you : D
Man: this looks like the starting of a gigantoraptor head maybe we can find the rest of him if we dig carefully that way Paul you might have made us some huge bucks here
Hades: really?
The man kept examining the fossil hades kept looking around and saw the man aging he totally forgot why he was down here in the first place wait if they where not here for the fossil why where they here
Hades: hay what are you guys looking for down here anyways
Man: did you not get that in the briefing oh darn you must have had frank as your instructor
Hades: yep darn frank so why are you down here
Man: where looking for an old mirror
Hades: mirror? Why would it be down here
Man: well you see this place use to be a village before a flood came in and buried it but there are a few items still intact here one of them being a mirror one that can never be destroyed except for if thrown into the boiling sea of nepa where it was made
Hades: why is the mirror so special other then that it could be years old
Man: well it has never seen before capability's it can send people to the mirror realm but more importantly it can bring our savior back
Hades: your savior?
Man: yes the writer the reason where down here in the first place of course you believe right? We can't have none believers in this camp
Hades: yes yes yeah sure I was just wonder why ummm OUR savior is in the mirror realm in the first place
Man: a cruel man sent him there jealous of his power but the mirror realm can only hold one livening person in there so if he finds someone that can connect with him he could have him switch places with our savior and he will be free aging and I think he's already found a willing soul
Hades: who?
Man: I'm getting all excited we should still be looking you found this fossil why don't you keep an eye out for a mirror
Hades: oh I'm well kinda new to our savior can you remind me who the writer is
Man: not now I need to focus
Hades thinks well that's fine I need to Focus to I came here for one thing and one thing only he steps away from the man and follows the scent to another man much younger then the other one he looks at him and steps back like knowing who he was he thought well since he already knows might as well
Hades: what are you doing setting up cameras near my house
Young man: shhhh not so loud
He says with a hush tone
Young man: look I'm sorry for setting up a camera but I don't want to talk about this here
Hades: fine we can take it out of here but you will be coming with me
They get out of the dig site he kept his guard up worried that once there alone he would want to fight him the young man turned around to an area where they where alone hades looked at the name take looked like his name was Mike
Mike: ok now look I know it looks kinda bad for me to set up that camera at your house it's just I was born into this place where they worship this writer dude and well my parents started working for this boy named jack and well my parents kinda forced me into this situation
Hades: how?
Mike: well you know how parents are they have this certain hold on you that makes you feel like you have to do anything for them or something bad will happen
Hades: I don't know that I never had a mum who would make me feel that way 
Mike got a little nervous and started to fidget with his gloves
Mike: oh ok
Hades: well why did you put up the camera in the first place why would they want to record my house?
Mike: I don't exactly know
He gave a face that made him know he wasn't giving the full truth he did know something but it seems he is not sure what to make of it yet hades was about to open his mouth when he heard a lady's voice call out marks name trying to find him
Mike: oh crap that's my mum
Hades: well let's go then
He grabs marks hand gestures to leave with him
Mark: I can leave my mum would kill me
Hades: oh yeah ignore that fact that it's with a total stranger as well sure
Hades looks the man up and down
Mark: wait how old are you
Mark: 23
Hades: and your still scared to leave your parents?
Mark bites his lip
Hades: never mind I have no time for this
Hades picks up mark and runs off with him

(Note from writer
Sorry this one is a little short my hands hurting like hell so it makes it hard to use :p)

The kings deathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora