Moon pov part 5

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sun walks into his room and his brother had followed them 

Moon: sun you know where jack is don't you

Sun: no why would you think that

Moon: there right there

Moon said pointing at sun

Moon: you smile every time you lie

Sun covers his mouth with one hand and looks away from moon as he says

Sun: I do not

Moon: uhu right? where is jack

Sun: I don't know

Moon: you can tell where someone is after getting to know them once and not really caring and now for jack who you know and care for yeah you would know where he was if he was half way across the country the world even 

Sun: well he's not so its not that hard

Moon: so you do know where he is 

sun looked away embarrassed not meaning to show he knew 

Moon: Sun I won't tell anyone if you tell me

Sun: you promise

Moon: I promise

Sun looks left and right like seeing if anyone was lesioning

Sun: well know Lisa and Philp won't be happy with this and I know Adam won't be happy if he found out since he let his home to him but ummmm im pretty sure its DJ 

Moon: why are you trying to hide it

Sun: because I don't think he is out to hurt I mean if he truly wanted to hurt Lisa he would have done it when he was extra close to her or right now but he didn't plus you saw how he acted when he was going to kill the king he did not want to do it till something forced him too I feel something good in him Moon

Moon: I don't know I think we should tell Philp

Moon starts walking to the door and sun quickly blocks it

Sun: no you promised please just trust me on this one ok trust me that it is the truth 

Moon bits his lips

Moon: fine I wont tell I'm not cause I trust DJ but because I trust you but don't expect me to lie for you I just won't open my mouth about it or bring it up alright

Sun hugs Moon

Sun: thank you Moon for trusting me

Moon rolls his eyes and pushed him away then sun had a shocked face as he looked around

Moon: what?

Sun grabs Moons hand

Sun: come with me

Sun and Moon ran outside and into the forest there they saw Dusk wandering around on his own Suns eye lit up and hugged dusk while Moon stood on the sidelines


he garbs him into the hug even tighter

Moon: hi dusk how are you

dusk: oh hay I did not see you there 

moon frowns they weren't really the hugging type but its been so long and all he gets is a hay I did not see you there moon finally gets a idea that maybe dusk did like him and just had a hard time showing it I mean he did save his life and all but this is all he gets from his brother and he hugged sun just fine smiled while looking at him maybe he just liked sun more maybe the only reason he brought him back was because he knew sun would be upset if he died maybe he did not care about him at all or maybe he was acting jealously and Dusk did care and he is overreacting  

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