Moon pov part 1

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Moon just got off work sun had given him this talk trying to say he should eat more he did not find really a reason or a need to but if it's worrying sun he will try to be better at it he gets home sun is at the front counter dealing with a customer moon waves at sun and walks upstairs he walks to his room a lays onto the bed once he wakes up it was night he must have slept in all day he would get up but he felt no desire too no motivation no need for anything life felt like boat ever flowing ever the same it made him feel like he's stuck in a loop dusk walks into the room rips off moons blanket grabs his leg and drags him out of bed making him bang his head on the floor
Dusk: GET UP
Moon: why
Moon: get better? Get better then what I'm perfectly fine
Dusk: no your not you don't talk to anyone unless it's that girl may you told me about it sun and me well I'm tired of it try putting yourself out there talking to people maybe you weren't actually cured not never fall in love maybe you just never tried
Moon: you want me to fall in love?
Dusk: now we'll that would be nice but I know you can't do that I'm just saying I want you to talk to people have relationships with people we can't be there for you 24/7 so it would be nice if you made some friends that's all I'm saying
Moon: I'm going back to sleep
Dusk: no your not
Moon: I would not even know where to start
Dusk: well that's fine because you where invited to a party
Moon: by who
Dusk: I dunno some white girl with blond hair
Moon: oh
Dusk: but this is a good opportunity for you to meet people so get up get ready cause you will be leaving soon
Moon: I'm not going
Dusk kicks him in the head
Dusk: yes you are or I'm gonna start forcing sun to force you to start paying rent to live here and if you can't you can go back to livening with dad
Moon groans annoyed and gets up from the floor
Moon: fine I'll get ready for that stupid party
Dusk: thank you
Dusk leaves the room and moon forces himself off the floor and gets ready for this event he leaves his room and goes down the stairs and hears sun and dusk talking down stairs
Sun: you can't just force moon to go to events and talk with people he's got to make friends on his own
Dusk: yeah but I'm worried about him he dose not talk to anyone and he stays in his room all day
Sun: well I mean it took you awhile to talk to people
Dusk: till you forced me to talk to someone
Sun: I did not force you I told you that you should put yourself out there more and you did on your own without my help
Dusk: well sometimes people just need a little push
Sun: he told me he had one friend isn't that enough
Dusk: well it's fine but it's not sustainable
Sun: well I think it's better to have one good friend then a bunch of fake ones and from what I hear from her she is a good friend
Dusk: from the sound of things it sounds like she has other motives and I don't like the thought of moon being used
Sun: he's not being used
Dusk: I just want to at least ensure that if my suspicions are right he at least has someone else's to go too
Sun: well I mea-
He stops talking once he sees moon and puts a nervous smile on
Sun: oh hello moon you look good today
Dusk looked over nervous worried he heard him
Dusk: how long have you been there
Moon: just got over here
Moon sighs and walks down the stairs
Dusk: here let me fix your outfit up
He buttons up and ties his tie and hides his necklace in his shirt grabs a suit jacket and gives it for him to wear
Dusk: moon earrings
Moon rolls his eyes and starts taking out each ear piecing and nose ring he had and puts them away dusk was going to try to push back his hair so it won't be in his face and moon slaps his hand away
Moon: that's enough
Dusk: alright well I'll drive you there
Moon nods dusk grabs his keys and they both walk to the car and get in and starts to the king quite drive moon just looked out the window the whole time
Dusk: hay ummmm.......
Moon look over at him
Dusk: are you wearing makeup
Moon: oh my god
Dusk: what?
Moon: seriously I thought you where gonna say something important
Dusk eyes looked nervous moon realized he was gonna say something else moon was gonna say something when dusk interrupted
Dusk: it is important men are not meant to wear makeup you should wipe it off before you go
Moon: oh my god is that all you care about is how people look
Dusk: we have a reputation to uphold
Moon: fuck that stupid reputation it means nothing anyways
Dusk: god why are you so difficult
Moon: at least I'm happy what about you your fucking obsessed the point where I don't think you even know a single thing you actually enjoy in life
Dusk grips the wheel clenching his fingers he did not know what it was but something he hit there went to close to home moon did not mean to say any of this he was going to try to ask what he wanted to really tell him but once he heard another comment on his makeup he just had to say something else
Moon bit his tong he knew if he said anything else this argument will go on forever and he just looked out the window but he just had to mumble one more thing to himself
Moon: well at least dad actually likes me
Dusk eyes caught aflame and through the rest of the drive dusk yelled at him the whole time the got to the place and moon got out of the car slamming the door in dusk face and storms away into the party he did not even want to go to he takes one look back and could see dusk talking to himself annoyed could not hear what he was saying from outside of the car he backed out and was gonna drive away but moon could almost see a sense of guilt in dusk eyes making moon wonder why he cared to bring him the party in the first place he never cared before but lately he had been seeing dusk look at moon differently maybe he was trying to care for him he pushed the thought away dusk only cares about how he looks he dose not truly care he must have another reason for this he rolled his eyes and continued to walk inside the party

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