Hades pov part 4

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The next day hades wakes more upset then normal Adam gave him a month full he understood why but he wasn't had said nothing of the sort he did have the habit to gossip but never about this kind of thing kinda pissed him off he thought he knew him better then that but to be fair with all the evidence Adam had it may seem clear that he may be part of the problem and he had done nothing to stop what they where saying so he could be part to blame as well maybe not doing anything about it's more harmful of them doing something and people upset at you he would rather others be mad at him then his brother he gets ready and around this time Adam would be making breakfast but he did not see awake yet when he is mad he normally sleeps in to get his anger out but he noticed Adam chose to sleep on the couch today why was that matters not he should try his best not to wake him he feels hungry so he goes to the pantry to grab some food making noise while at it he was trying to be quite but failed Adam wakes rubbing his eyes with one hand and stretching out the other while he yawned
Adam: hades what are you doing
Hades: oh Adam your awake....I was just trying to get myself some food
Hades had climbed halfway up the shelf's one shelf Brock and made the flower fall onto his head making a white mess everywhere on him and the floor
Adam: hades get out of the kitchen let me make you something
He said annoyed Adam gets up and starts to clean up the mess he then brings hades to the bathroom and help clean off his face with a wet cloth hades could tell from his face he was still mad at him
Hades: I'm sorry
Adam: for what
Hades: not doing anything about the gossip i knew what they where doing was wrong and should not be talked about in that way but I said nothing I'm sorry
Adam: it's fine
Hades: it dose not seem fine to you
Adam: it is you do this you do things and you say stuff that you don't think will hurt anyone then once you realize what you did you apologize then go right back to what you where doing before
Hades: I feel like there's a little tension here did I do something else to piss you off
Adam: it's nothing
Hades: I can't fix it if you don't tell me what it is
Adam: but you won't fix it even if I do say something
Hades stops for a moment trying to think what he meant with Adam he sometimes has to read in between the lines to get to the root of the problem well he was still upset about the gossip yes but there was something else he had made many mistakes before that he was still working on fixing but witch one was he talking about
Hades: I don't want there to be tension between us
Adam: well there is and you'll just have to deal with it honestly stop pretending you care
He finished cleaning hades up and left hades in the room confused
Hades: why where you sleeping on the couch
Adam: raven is sleeping in my bed I wanted to give her some privacy
Adam said cleaning up the blanket and pillow on the couch
Hades: why is she in your room when she could have used a guest bedroom
Adam: I put her in there so I could get her out of the hallway as soon as possible
Hades: why did you want to leave the hallway so bad
Adam: because people where talking about her and she could hear them I wanted her away as soon as I could
Hades: why would she be affected by that it's just words
Adam: ITS NOT JUST....
He takes a deep breath and puts the pillow and blanket away
Adam: I'm gonna go check on raven
He walks away hades was shocked he never acted that way before he had gotten annoyed before but never yelled was something they said really that bad it did not matter he needed to figure out how to make it up to Adam maybe he could find something outside of the house that could cheer him up hades leaves the house not saying a word to Adam

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