Louis pov part 1

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Louis was upset he was home alone for awhile he has not been this far away from Rose in years he try texting and calling her but she would not respond to at least tell him she was ok witch she had told him she would turn her phone off to make sure she would not be tracked he wished he could track her down but all he could do was wait lately his art has not been a bright and colorful as before now its black and gray and pepole on the streets have been talking about him he was by himself and everyone knew at this point he looked at the bar he had not been there in years he walked over to it and walked inside he sat at a table everyone was drinking and watching the performer on the stage he got some water was not much of a drinker anymore but maybe he may find someone he could talk to someone grabbed his shoulder saying his name and asking how its been he looks over confused and the realized it was Luke after the wedding he had not spoken to him in ages he was around maybe jacks age and was his friend Jennys brother they had become close but Luke never really liked to go out much he looked nice with his blond hair all nicely combed and wore some fancy clothes and a ring? was he married how did he not hear about this

Louis: hay Luke things are fine how have you been

Luke: eh I am having a bit of trouble but nothing to concern you really

Louis: oh

Luke: hay I heard you have been feeling off lately and I know someplace we could hangout at

Louis: oh really

Luke: yeah sure 

he grabs Louis arm and leaves the house to his motorcycle he toss him a helmet puts on his own and gets on the bike

Luke: come on lets go

he puts on the helmet and gets on the bike holding onto him tightly as they drove off he met up with a group of pepole and started to introduce Louis while getting off the bike

Luke: hay guys this is Louis Louis this is Mars Jupiter and Will Mars and Jupiter are from a destroyed town and Will ran away from a mental hospital Guys Louis is here because his wife left him and he's lonely

Louis: my wife did not leave me she is just on a trip 

Luke: that she took her belongings blocked her phone and has been gone for more then a month without warning with her cousin never to be seen again

Louis: she can be seen again she will be back

Luke: will she really?

he said like he was concerned for him

Louis: wow really Luke

Luke: I'm just saying but the point is your lonely and you need company and we are company soooooooo

Jupiter: its alright Louis I believe you come on where going to do something fun

Louis: like what

Mars: well some royal guards are after us since I stole one of there like co captains property 

Louis: why did you do that

Jupiter: well they have been killing off any navian that they see the advisors told him to do so

Luke: its a response to Jake killing the king he was born in France so they decided they must get rid of every single outsider because of it if your not a citizen they ruled to kill them if you are your safe thats there new rule it won't change unless one of the royal family members overruled it but no one has seen them

Jupiter: but the main problem here is that navians became citizens here but because of that stupid mark on their arm there being killed off they had no control on where they where born or what they where doing at all its not fair 

Mars: so when I found out captain creams son was in town I stole something special to him since he had been stealing peoples lives problem is he watched me take it and now knows what my fav looks like and he is hunting me down for this thing

Mars takes out a mask part of it looked scorched with burn marks and looks better up and ruined like it been through hell and back 

Louis: what's so important about this mask

Mars: it was his girlfriends before she died in a gun accident 

Louis: oh wait the captain is doing this and so you went after his son

Mars: yes

Louis: has the son had any part to play in this

Jupiter: no he just dose what his father tells him to do and he mostly works in the war only recently when they found out someone was trying to kill him was he taken out and put on guard duty of a town

Louis: then we should be out of anything going for the father not the son and or the advisors making this stupid rule or even bring back the royals so they can stop this mess I know they would do it since they would never turn their back on what their father believed in we should not be punishing someone who has had nothing to do with any of this and probably dose not even know what's going on I mean how can you approve Luke

he turns back to look at him and Luke was just looking else were at the town they had just left

Louis: what's wrong

Luke: somethings wrong with starlight village

Louis: what do you mean

Lukes eyes widen 

Luke: we have to go NOW

he grabs Louis arm and starts running with Jupiter and Mars as Luke kept telling everyone not to look back and to keep going once there far away enough he hears a big boom noise making his ears ring Luke pushed Louis to the ground as he hard a gun fire then he has another boom he was about to look behind him when Luke pulled his face away

Luke: Louis don't look you don't want to see this just keep going I was just messing with you before rose contacted me to keep you safe and in one pice and I don't want you to come back to her Brocken 

Louis: what are you talking about

Luke: just....lets go

Luke pulls Louis up and runs off into the forest with him

Luke: Lucifer is there death is upon us

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