Lisa pov part 8

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Lisa bit her lip as she paced around her room its been a month since the kings death and a month since she has seen the logic side to her brother both sides have never been apart for this long before moon had been haggling out with the emotional side of him moon had been also on the look out for dusk as well sun had been going off alone and coming back and raven had been focused on Adam Adam was focused on hades and Pluto Pluto had been worried about everyones health and making Antonette happy Philp had been focused on his siblings and her but Philp had also been going off looking where to find jack leaving her all alone Lisa kept trying to talk about needing to do something but pepole kept ignoring her since they where all already busy with things giving her no job to do at all the only person who had been paying attention was Pluto he suggested her to go find something to do to keep her mind distracted since she needed something to focus on and he had been giving her ideas for stories to write or books to read different things to draw walking with her when she needed some exercise just small things to help her out he was quite a kind young man he also had a side project of his own getting his wings fixed from the fight he had with his dad back at his home town and today he had fixed them he seemed to be getting vary weak probably from the lack of food he had for a boy who is so focused on peoples health he seemed to not care about his often Adam had try to get him to eat something but to no avail and it did not help that Antonette keeps calling him fat every time he did almost try to eat something but if Philp hears it he try to stop her from calling him that when he can she starts to walk outside with Pluto for there morning walk and Lisa thought maybe she should try to ask him about it

Lisa: hay Pluto just wondering why won't you eat anything

Pluto: what? what do you mean

Lisa opened her mouth but before she could say anymore she was shot in the arm with a gun Pluto jumps onto Lisa pushing her to the ground and Lisa being hugged by Pluto as his robotic wings where around both of them acting as a shield as someone try to get in to kill Lisa he almost got in as well if it weren't for someone knocking him out of the way Pluto did not get up to check who this person was he just kept holding onto Lisa trying to keep her safe she could feel him shivering on her he was scared she could hear two pepole fighting then silance 

Lisa: I think its safe now you can let go

Pluto shakes his head as he kept holding onto her 

Lisa: come on we have to leave at some point

Pluto sighs and slowly opened his wings and let go of Lisa Lisa saw a man with a mask on and a letter jacket paired with leather gloves that had spikes on them with black jeans he had some black sneakers on with a white laces his head faced down at the now knocked out man 

Lisa: who are you

a woman behind them with red lips and pearl necklace said with a smile

woman: his name is DJ are you guys alright

Lisa: I'm alright and who are you

woman: I'm Rose 

pepole from the house ran outside after hearing the gunshot Pluto instantly started tending to Lisas wounds when he could and Adam was asking her questions on what happned everyone was there except for Philp since he was out looking for jack 

Hades: who are these two

Lisa: this is Rose and DJ they helped us out

Lisa then noticed Rose handing DJ his bags and a potted flower

Lisa: are you guys moving or something?

Rose: well kind of some pepole are coming after DJ so where looking for a place to stay 

DJ turns to Rose tilting his head almost like why the hell did you say that to them

Lisa: oh who's coming after DJ

Rose: ummm I don't think he would like me to say

she says looking at DJs reactions to what she's saying 

Adam: oh you need a place to stay maybe you can come stay with us

Hades: do we have enough room?

Adam: we have like 9 bedrooms left it will be fine plus a lot of rooms we don't really use 

Hades: alright then its your choice

Adam: I mean if you don't want them to stay....

Hades: no no its fine I was just worried

Adam: alright then well what do you guys say

Rose: SURE yes that will be lovely 

DJ kicks Rose shaking his head 

Rose: alright fine then ill stay if you want to go out alone be my guest

DJs solders slumped down and sighs picks up his bags and taps his foot a few times in a certain pattern that Rose understood

Rose: he is wondering where he should put his bags

Adam: oh right here let me show you

Adam walks inside with DJ and Rose Sun stared at DJ like trying to figure out something 

Pluto: moon can you get me some bandages 

moon nods and leaves as Hades help get the kids back inside Pluto patches up Lisa and brings her inside once Moon brought the bandages and scarlet helped restrain the man that shot Lisa Moon comes back outside

Moon: ill deal with him you go inside

Scarlet: alright

scarlet rose inside and Moon brings the man where Lisa would never have to see him aging they where all kinda of confused where moon brought the man but probably somewhere not good since he cam back covered in blood and had to go change his cloths  

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