Ravens pov part 13

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Raven shows a picture to Moon from her book showing a cure to the frozen heart cures 

Raven: from the sounds of things you have a frozen heart cures there are three types of cure a flower from sunset cove caves called the moonlight flower but lucky for us sun can grow any type of plant nearby so if the witch or wizard used words to cures you that will be the cure if you cures was from a wand witch I applaud them from doing since wand cures are hard to do without messing up and cursing themselves wands are difficult thats why I avoid them you would need a potion called the violet ever green and then there is the hand work spells the type I do witch need a spell that uses a ritual to stop it we can try it if you want

Moon: so no kissing

Raven: nope no need for it witch I suspected as such

Moon: alright good

Raven: hay I can get you the potion to help cure you

Moon: yeah sure

Raven: it won't guarantee it will work though 

Moon: its fine just to finish this conversation 

moon gets up and leaves to his room 

Raven: what was that about he was really interested and now nothing?

Sun: its a long story 

sun walks inside with may and dusk raven just seemed confused she closes her book she felt a striking pain in her stomach but ignores its probably nothing just hurts a bit she sees the crow again she keeps seeing it more and more often 

Raven: what are you looking at

the crow itches at its wing a little before flying away she sighs and goes back inside she sees Adam and hades talking with each other ever since hades got back home from being kidnaped Adam has not left his side 

Raven: so what are you guys doing

Hades: I want to go to the village ALONE but Adam says he needs someone with me I told him ill be fine on my own but he keeps saying I could get taken again

Raven: he dose have a point we still don't know who your kidnapper is so you could be taken by anyone its better if you stay here

Adam nods his head in agreement 

Hades: I just need some time alone I understand why you want to be near me ALL THE TIME but I need some space and in the house it is impossible yo get that

Adam: I need to make sure your ok

Raven: well he dose have a point he dose need his privacy

Adam: last time I gave him that he went missing for a month and a half 

Raven: here how about this Hades dose not leave the house and Adam gives him some personal space like at least for a hour everyday

Adam mumbles unpleased with this agreement

Adam: yeah alright sure

Hades: thats all I need thank you now I'm kinda hungry

Hades gets up then Adam gets up behind him and brings hades back to his seat

Adam: don't worry I can make something for you

hades rolls his eyes as Adam starts cooking hades a meal raven goes to her and Adams room she sits onto the bed and rolls her eyes as she try to go to bed 

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