Sun pov part 1

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Sun was a worker in sky's plants n stuff
It was a family business but he invented it she put things into place he basically was the owner with no help from his father to start this business navia was a vary strict place so he had to go around many rules to just start to open it for the first time luckily from his fathers rank things where moved aside slightly to his favor at least is father was good for something once his father was a high ranked official so that brings there whole family to high rank as well but he wanted nothing to do with it his mother was the kindest woman you would ever meet but once she had a daughter she was told she was unfit for life and his father had killed her then kept the daughter saying it was "out of the kindness of my heart" made sun moan she would be better off without being in such a fake family sun was a triplet he had two other brothers moon and dusk dusk was the all time perfect child he would do everything and anything to make his father proud he went to school and got the highest grades he worked for the highest positions he was perfect in everyone's eyes except our fathers he liked thing's perfectly aligned including how our faces looked we all had the same eye color the same smile everything appearance wise was the same but dusk had been born with less efficient eyes then the rest of us so he had to wear glasses witch made our father despise him even though he had done really nothing wrong so dusk tends to choose not to wear them even if he needs to he seems to care too much on how he is perceived when I started up this business he started to work for me to help with developing new ways these plants of mine could be useful developing new type of seeds for new plants to grow and in result also bringing some new cures and poisons to different things his father became so annoyed with dusk for helping me but we both made profit from it and it gives a way for dusk to stay away from the house we worked well together he would find new ways to develop new plants and discover new ways to get people to the store wether they need to cure or kill someone or they just want stuff to help grow there own plants since where the only plant store around who sells these kind of things no one could say no and well sun work the counter clean the store grow the seeds and plants and help get connections out and running so that we can spread it to different sides of the country and employ the best people for the job and he comes up with the ideas as we'll moon on the other hand he took care of both of us since we where young since father never cared too and so while our father was at work and dusk was at school he would take care of me and when dusk got home from school he taught me everything he learned while moon went off and worked father never let me go to school since I was different then dusk and moon and he wished for no one to see that and moon wanted to keep me safe so he stayed home while dusk went off he found a job and 15 and now had been working there for now 5 moon always stayed to himself alone really spoke to his family sometimes with others if he felt he had too once we moved out of our fathers dusk found a start of a job but did not last long since he quit it to join my business when at first things where not running smoothly I felt bad but in the end it worked out and I'm glad I had him by my side this whole time moon stays with us but he always was in his room and or at work he talks to me but avoids dusk and lately has only talked to him to argue about how he had been treating me both want what's best for me but they tend to forget that sun can make choices just as easily they used to be vary close so it was confusing why things had changed maybe they where always like this and he just never picked up on it till they boiled over the top but moon did help with the business ever now and then lately a lot of fights break out everywhere you go this war has gotten everyone on edge so when a fight breaks out in the story he can easily handle the mess especially if there trying to mess with me he's like our family's body guard moon gets stronger at night when a full moon is out people even started calling him werwolf because of it he doesn't turn into a wolf but he dose get these stronger ability's when it happens night in general allows him to use his ability but the full moon gives him extra strength when the sun is out he just acts like a normal person dusk gets annoyed with him saying he shouldn't flaunt his ability that he could get caught and then he argues that he's not flaunting it the only time he's been using it is to protect sun then both sides get extremely mad aging his little sister dawn use to follow moon around and stay close to each other but she disappears one day we all would go out looking for her till the solders told they where reported dead everyone took a moment of grief for that and the store closed making the store a little slow aging when it reopened the store is almost back to its usual bustling state but not like it was before sun sat at the counter as well he was 19 so dawn had been missing for 6 years now and had been pronounced dead for 3 of those years but he did not believe she truly did die they found no body for the casket but the more he talks about how much he believed she's alive they just say he is in denial especially after the scene he made at the funeral he did not want moon and dusk to worry about him anymore so he should pretend he is fine dusk walked over to sun asking how he's doing
Sun: I'm alright
Dusk: are you sure
Sun: yeah
Dusk: cause you look like a mess
Sun: what?
Dusk gose to fix his bow tie then grabs a hair brush to brush out knots in his hair
Sun: ow
Dusk: you should have brushed your hair then this would not have happened
Sun: dose it matter ow
Dusk: yes it matters appearance is everything if they look at you right now they would not even want to talk to you is that miss match socks
Sun: it was dark my light went out
Dusk: yeah I forgot I'll get moon to fix it you should cut your hair letting it grow out this long is quite unappealing
Sun: it's not that long
Dusk rolls his eyes and put down the brush he was about to leave into the back room but he noticed a packed lunch on the counter
Dusk: moon did not take his lunch you made him?
Sun: nope I guess not maybe he forgot
Dusk: yeah but he "forgets" everyday lately he's been going earlier then normal coming home later that job dose not give him any breaks dose it
Sun: nope
Dusk: is it really that awful to work here that he would rather that then work with us
Sun: I would not say awful but I mean it's his choice
Dusk: and I know he never eats lunch so you keep making him something but lately he won't eat that ether he won't eat breakfast or dinner and he just locks himself in his room so he dose not even talk to us
Sun: dusk dawn went missing and moon took that too heart she was the only person who would look up to him and now she's gone and so yeah moon is gonna be even more distant then before but I mean he can't keep livening in this state he may not have a lot of energy left if he dose so I'll talk with him when he gets home
Dusk: yeah probably best if you speak to him
Dusk sighs
Dusk: I'm not great with you know talking when it comes to moon and I
Sun: I can help you talk to him
Dusk: no I can do it myself honestly I can probably talk to him better then you can
Sun: alright
Dusk: anyways I'm gonna go work just come by if you need anything
Sun: oh ok
Dusk starts to walk away but sun gets reminded of something
Sun: dusk wait
Dusk stops in his path and looks at sun
Dusk: yes?
Sun: I found your glasses in the hallway on the floor
Dusk: oh yeah thanks but I don't need them
He said embarrassed quickly grabbing the glasses from suns hands and hid them in a pocket of his jacket
Sun: dads not here anymore you don't have to fear when you wear them
Dusk: I know
He looks down upset and leaves the room

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