Logic 43 pov part 2

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He kept working on the chain around his leg antonio kept flicking pebbles at the wall talking to him about how escape is useless logic 43 could feel tears down his face emotional side of him was crying he had no idea why though he starts getting annoyed about its hopeless talk and he snapped
Antonio: what else am i suppose to do
Logic 43: YOU CAN-
He stops talking for a moment once he realized antonio had gotten his chain around his leg off
Logic 43: you got yourself out?
Antonio: yeah why
Logic 43: what are you still doing here? Why don't you try to leave
Antonio: because its hopeless besides theres no one out there who would want me
Logic 43: so you would rather be in a cell then get out to freedom because you believe no one wants you
Antonio: well no sort of its just there is no point i did try to get out before but but there was to many people to pass by and i did not want to brut force anything
Logic 43: so what you are telling me you saw things get hard and so you just give up
Antonio: well no one else's is waitting for me so why should i try
Logic 43: well that hard to believe no one in the world will ever want you
Antonio: well i mean there is one person who liked me but he is kind mad at me right now i failed to do a task properly and now nugget is dead
Logic 43: whos nugget?
Antonio: this person my friend was dating
Logic 43: how did they die what happened
Antonio: well all of us where on the battlefield we where doing fine i built weapons nugget and latte would use them to defeat the enemy
Logic 43: i think i heard the name latte before is his last name cream
Antonio: yes
Logic 43: oh his fathers captain of the purple soldiers
Antonio: yeah
Logic 43: sorry go on
Antonio: well they where a power couple no one could defeat them but well then i heard my little sister died and i was devastated i kept working but i was a bit distracted so i accidentally sent nugget a faulty weapon and it blew up bring down nugget with it all that was left was a mask she always wore once latte found out it was my fault for the weapon fail he was extremely upset with me and well he did not talk to me after that witch honestly i would hate me to if i found out that my friend killed my lover
Logic 43: huh its vary rare for a weapon to blow like that someone would have to be tasked to checking the weapon before its sent out especially if the mechanic shown sighs of not being all there that day who was your supervisor
Antonio: richard
Logic 43: and he made an ok to send it off
Antonio: yeah
Logic 43 thinks if this event happened someone would have reported this and he always looked at the reports he scanned through his mind to find a report it was there it happened 5 months ago richard farrice and antonio greco he did send of a faulty weapon killing a solder lord nugget and was not properly checked by richard antonio later he failed to show up to work multiple days and no one had seen him since 4 months ago it was later found out the weapon had not been faulty and richard had been seen messing with the weapon is confession claim was and quote "i did change up the original design of the weapon to esure latte would not return instead it had gone to the wrong person he was being all high and mighty thinking he was better then me because his fathers captain thinking he could order me around talking about how i should not talk to antonio the way i did but i can speak to my employe any way i want and i promise next time i will ensure his death i will even join the enemy side just to kill him then well see whos high and might then" he was sent to jail a few weeks later he somehow got out and was not seen again both richard and antonio disappeared well at least he knows where antonio was now but he still thinks it was his fault for nuggets death he dissapeared before ever finding out the truth
Logic 43: it was not your fault you had no control what happened to the device after it was given away
Antonio: but i built it should have known better
Logic 43: no not really because based off the report it wasn't really faulty richard just messed with it to kill latte but went to nugget instead
Antonio: REALLY
Logic 43: from what i remember yeah
Antonio: please tell me he was sent to jail
Logic 43: he was but i bet latte found out about that as well and wishes he had not blamed you so someone dose want you out there so how about you get us both out and we can talk to him
Antonio: i don't know after everything that happened i think he may just want to be alone right now i mean there is no time limit not like he is still in danger
Logic 43: richard escaped the prison
Antonio: he WHAT
Logic 43: and he may try to kill latte aging but i guess you want to stay cooped up in a cell letting your friend die.....oh well
Panic flooded antonio's face
Antonio picks the cell lock and opens the door then goes to get logic 43 out
Antonio: your a prince right you got some skills in fighting and stuff
Logic 43: a few
Antonio: alright i think i know where there are a few old weapons around here i may be able to get to them and figure out how to get them working aging and we can get out of here
Logic 43: do you know witch way to go to get out
Antonio: yeah i got close once but with your help we can get through
Logic 43: i wouldn't rely on my fighting skills
Antonio grabs logic 43 and drags him away in a hurry ignoring what he just said

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