Philps pov part 5

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(Note from writer
Sexual talk and possibly parts in the story so viewers who are uncomfortable with this topic I suggest you skip)
Philp went to sleep and the nightmares came back making him toss and turn in his bed the longer it happened the worst it got but he was shocked back into reality when he opened his eyes awake to the real world he was in Lisa's arms he was extra close to her he blushed and quickly moved away
Lisa: are you alright I saw you freaking out did you have a nightmare
Philp: yeah
He said shyly almost still shaken by the dream
Lisa: what was the nightmare about
Philp: things
Lisa: what things
Philp: I don't know just things I guess
Philp said annoyed
Lisa: ok ok alright I'm sorry don't mean to bother but what was the reason you started harming yourself
Philp: it's nothing you'll think it's weird
Lisa: I'm all ears
She said inching closer to him
Philp: well it's just I keep seeing these things come up all around me
Lisa: what things
She is now right next to him snuggling up close to philp
Philp: w-well there's these people
Lisa: people?
Philp: yes people I had killed in the past there people who did not deserve to die
Philp looks at Lisa
Lisa: uhu
Philp: right umm and they keep appearing around me like there hunting me
Lisa starts touching her hand into philps cheek moving her thumb back and forth tenderly she moves her face close to him making philp blush on how close she was
Lisa: go on
She says softly
Philp: I-I umm yeah well they keep following me around....and I just gather all these thoughts and feelings of grief and sadness feeling like no one could or ever should love me
He said almost pressing his face agents Lisa's hand
Lisa: maybe your stressed or overworked
Philp: what you mean
Lisa gets extra close to him both hands now slid down to his chest her feeling the muscles he had hidden away under his white tucked in shirt and Cotten jacket her watching her hands as she touched his chest
Lisa: maybe you need to loosen up more
Philps face had turned extremely red at this point
Philp: I don't think that's the problem here
Lisa: why don't we test the theory out
Philp: like what what's on your mind
Lisa: ohhhh nothing
She gives him a cheeky smile
Lisa: but I mean there is one real good way to loosen up your body I can try it out if you promise not to tell my father
She said bring her eyes back to philps lips
Philp: and what way is that
Lisa locks lips with philps his eyes widen surprised she holds the back of philps head pushing him closer in philps muscles tense not knowing was to do he enjoyed it yes but this felt wrong she was his bosses daughter he would have his head for this and he is already been upset with him and would if this dose not work out and she gets heart broken then he may be killed and if he touched her wrong in anyway there is no way any of their family would forgive him for that he could not pull away ether her hand on him like this if she forced her off him then she may get hurt and the whole point in being here was to protect her her other hand started unbuttoning his shirt she did it so easily and her hand landed on philps skin his face turned tomato red he was so nervous he had done this kind of thing before but not with someone this high of importance before he had never really been noticed by the royal family unless he did something wrong he just let her touch him where ever like he was a doll or a toy to play with because honestly that's what he felt he was to the royal family a puppet to get what they wanted from him then throw him away when he becomes no longer use to them and that's probably what she was doing to him now using him like the rest the thought made his heart sink but he didn't object or say anything about it to be fair he was just a peasant boy he had no power no authority only the king did him and the royal family his purpose was to serve not to command Lisa pushes him down onto the bed he did not object to anything so she assumed things where ok she continued feeling down his body philp wanted to love her truly he did but he thought that this was all out of lust not love just sat with him how could she ever love him he was nothing she was everything he acted in the way she assumed he wanted to act but nothing more he did not try to do anything else body's locked together boundaries where crossed and next think he knew it he was waking up beside her and his clothes had fully been gone when he first saw her when he first liked her she was just a girl he fell in love with but now that he was aware that she was royalty she seemed to her way more important in this world more important then he could ever be to her she hated him at the beginning so why would she like him now it's only been what a day it's unlikely her feelings switched that fast unless she liked him from the start witch she didn't so she must have just thought he was a good body to try out plus she could have any man she wants it's not like the royal family has not forced relationships before but after all this did light the thought or feeling even if she did hate him even if it was all fake she was the one he loved she was the one he wanted even if it's all in his head he would still try his best to love her so maybe next time if it ever happens aging maybe he would put more effort into getting her back something more emotional more feeling for the both of them but for now he should go find this stalker and put a stop to him he gets out of bed and gets dressed Lisa felt him leaving the bed and slowly opened her eyes
Lisa: where are you going?
Philp: I gotta start working
Lisa: noooooo~
She said sleepy
Lisa: *yawn* you should stay here with me
Philp: but I need to work
Lisa: please you work to much
Philp: I know but I would rather ensure your safety
Lisa: philp stay here that's an order
Philp: really!? Come on I have to work
Lisa: pleaseeeee
Philp: it is an order
He sighs and gets back into bed with her she smiles snuggling up close to him she still had no clothes on and so her getting that close to him made him blush and look away at the moment wanting to be respectful Lisa notice him looking away blushing
Lisa: what? Why are you nervous you saw all of me earlier
Philp: yeah well at that time I wasn't really
He stops talking when Lisa grabs philps hand and gets him to press against her chest right where her heart should be his face turns fully red
Lisa: see my heart is racing i never felt like that before I'm so happy we decided to spend this kind of time together aren't you? So don't be nervous or afraid to look at me
Philp: mhm ok
He says extremely nervous
Lisa smiles thinking this was kinda cute and kinda not understanding he was uncomfortable mainly since he did not want to rush things but did what he was told as well
Lisa: philp look at me
Philp: o-ok
Philp looks over at her and looks at things next to her and not her entirety
Lisa: philp look at me
Philp: I am
Lisa: your not
Lisa grabs his head and points it too her his face was hot red as he looked at her but once she saw his face she stoped playing around with him
Lisa: philp are you uncomfortable with this
Philp: I'm fine it's just a lot all at once
Lisa pulls the covers up covering her body
Lisa: earlier you where fine with everything
Philp darts his eyes away from her then back to look at her still being held by Lisa
Lisa: you weren't where you? I was going to fast wasn't I
Philp: it's fine Lisa you don't have to worry I'm here for you
Lisa thinks and let's go of him
Lisa: god how could I be so stupid...and after everything that happened of course you would not say anything
Philp: it's fine really
Lisa: philp you should have told me you where uncomfortable
Philp: w-well It dose not matter that much though
Lisa: philp it dose matter especially with something like this why would you think It would not matter
Philp: I thought....well you wanted.....I....just well...It was not your fault
Lisa: it was mine as well I should have asked before just doing I will ask next time
Philp: you don't need to a princess with your high standers like that can do as you wish I'm just a knight meant to serve you in anyway you desire so if your wishes those for me to do I should comply with no complaints
Lisa: you are so much more then a knight philp and you shouldn't just let me do anything to you cause I'm a princess I'm a person just like you and I want a relationship with you hence all of this but with relationships both people have to want you want a romantic relationship with me
Philp: if you
Lisa cuts philp off
Lisa: no not if I want one I'm asking if you want a relationship with me I'm asking for your feelings on this not for mine
Philp: I do like you in a romantic way
Lisa: ok and so do I now we are in a relationship with each other because we both gave consent now in a relationship we talk to each other about  our feelings it's not me telling you what to do and you just follow no we both talk and we both allow ourselves to know each other like I talk to you about I wish to have sex with you seeing if that took things to far or not and then if you are uncomfortable with the idea then I will back off and talk again maybe later when we are both ready I may be disappointed but I will be happy that where both on the same side and are comfortable
Philp: but I would have disappointed you
Lisa: yes but that's just life honestly I would be more disappointed or upset with you if you told me nothing like you did just now because now I feel bad that I got you to do that with me even though you where not ready for it and so then you made yourself uncomfortable and made me upset it's a lose lose situation would you rather we both lose philp
Philp: no I guess not
Lisa: I'm sorry philp
Philp: for what
Lisa: doing all this without asking you I made you stay in bed when you wanted to work and made you extremely uncomfortable
Philp: I'm fine
Lisa: no you where in a bad state of mind and I took advantage of that I shouldn't have I'm sorry
Philp: it alright really
Lisa gets out of bed and gets dressed she sighs I'll finish letting you get the rest of your clothes on and get to work
Philp: alright
Lisa: and remember what I said it dose not matter how high of rank someone is they should always have consent to each other alright
Philp nods he gets the rest of his outfit on and leaves to work Lisa sighs and starts digging around files on her phone to see some records

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