43 pov part 6

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his body felt weird being apart for so long made him feel strange having so many memories from the same time but he felt completely he knew the full story while he was caught he stayed with moon getting away from pepole going after him while he was stuck in a cell the other side was writing letters while he was falling in love the other side was leaving Navia all leading to this moment here he also thought having his logical side with him maybe he could know not to go for moon but it seems that now he is sure he likes moon but is also confirming it would never work not because he may not like him but because he will be king and no one has ever heard of two kings before he came back inside at least he knew Lisa was safe they all hear a scream and came to see what happened it was Scarlet at the back of the house 

Scarlet: it was witch craft 

Raven: what was?

she points to a little mouse curled up in a ball 

Scarlet: I saw sun reading on his own it was a murder novel that I also enjoy I touched his shoulder to talk about the book and he turned into a mouse 

dusk and moon look at each other and shake there head

Dusk: he should not read those things there going to give him nightmares

Moon: looks like they already have

Raven laughs

Scarlet: are none of you worried about him?

Moon: no he will turn back normal size when he has calmed down

Dusk: he should not flaunt his ability around like that though

Moon: its not flaunting if his reflexes kicked in

Dusk: but would if someone saw that he could have been discovered

Moon: they don't care about that here 

scarlet: what?

Moon: he is a shapeshifter he turns into any form he wants he just can't stay in it too long or he will start to think he is a mouse speaking of witch sun you should change back now I know you limit is a week before you start thinking your one but I don't want to risk anything 

sun stays in that form and moon picks him up

moon: come on sun change back

Lisa leaves the house 

Lisa: umm moon somethings making a beeping noise in your room

Moon: oh crap thats probably Pluto's thing

moon gives the mouse to the closet person to him witch was 43 he could feel the mouse shiver in his hands as he ran in the house with Pluto behind him 43 just looked at the mouse as other pepole went off to do other things he just stood there confused he looks at the mouse he knew pepole with odd ability's existed he had a few of his own but its still strange to think this small mouse could be a person how was he able to shapeshifter why was he able to do what he could do he sat there on the step and slowly put the mouse next to him he stayed curled up why a mouse of all things when sacred he could have turned into a wolf or a bear a dragon even but he chose a mouse why and how would a mouse keep him safe he watches the mouse for awhile and after a hour the mouse stood up and just sat there messing with its tail he was looking left and right then looked up at 43. He looked back at the mouse.

43: you ok sun.

The mouse nods it head and spoke.

Sun: Normally I just have to think about it and I turn back. This time though, I can't seem to get to my normal form. 

43: Why is that?

Sun: I did this out of reflex. So I was not thinking when I transformed. I have not used my ability in so long that....I don't remember how to do it. 

43 thinks if he can't transform back. By the end of the week he will forget who he is. If he forgets who he is. He may just run off like every other mouse.If he runs off then Dusk and Moon will be upset. If Moon is upset then......He picks up sun and runs inside. Dusk should know what to do. He has been with him the most! 43 gets to Dusk with mouse in hand. 

43: Dusk how dose sun normally transform to his normal size!

Dusk: why? 

43: Because he forgot how.

Dusk looks down at the mouse.

Dusk: it may be because he has not used that skill in awhile. Think of it as a muscle. If you don't use it you will weaken it. He turned himself into a mouse witch is small and easy to do. Now he needs to work his way up like a hamster. Not something so complex like a human.

Sun then turns into a hamster it using a lot of his energy to do so he took a nap in 43s arms 43 worries how long it will take for him to be normal size again 

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