Hades pov part 5

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He wakes up and sighs his body was exhausted after a long day all he need was some rest he came to this place by force someone knocked him out and took him then they try to brainwash him but he had found a way to stop him from being affected he always loved to make up story's in his head and when he was nervous about something he would just do that and well he was nervous about things so he made different story's in his life that did not happen and they took those thoughts and memories instead he noticed there where no kids here and when he discovered that he was meant to be brainwashed and failed he kinda realized why kids have a wild imagination when adults get taken they think of the people they know the life they had before this what they should have done what they need to do but kids they don't know what the fuck is going on and normally thinks about what there going to eat tomorrow what game should they play next this weekend or think about how they want to be pirates or astronauts they are not looking at the life they had before because there more focused on what's ahead of them and impossible to get them to focus on the memories instead of what they want those memories to be like so it probably could not tell what was real or fake and well since he did around the same thing the mechanic did not work and so if he pretends it did if he acts like everyone else then he would be safe he assumes he assumes if he fails to act like everyone else he may just end up on deaths row and well since tomorrow I become 18 they must of counted on me basically being an adult and assumed I probably think like one too he is not sure if he insulted himself or that was a good thing or not ether way he stayed safe and that's what matters he just needed a way to figure out how to get out of here he was in a small room with to beds looked like livening in a dorm room but everything is white and you have no free will so I mean basically like all schools he wore a white plain shirt with white baggy pants not his style but sure looked clean everything looks clean way too clean witch made him worried all the time he could do everything they where doing but it was hard to maintain a clean room like everyone else his brother always helped him with the chores maybe he relied on Adams cleaning skills a little too much he wore white shoes with no laces he was alone in the room since he was fairly new but when he walked in this time he had a roommate he sat perfectly on the bed he hoped maybe he was also like him and he was just pretending to act like the rest
Hades: hello how are you
Hades: what's your name
Hades frowns yep of course he was like the rest he wished he could talk to someone he sat on the his bed looking at the boy well there's gotta be some way to get him back to normal the boy had blue eyes white skin a blond shot hair he looked at the number on his white shirt
Hades: 78
The boy looked up at him
Hades: 78 how are you
Boy:......what do you mean
Hades: how are you feeling
He has try to talk to them before but they never really say much he asked how they where but they did not respond to me but this boy responded maybe it was because he was new and it had not taken full affect yet but he did say something that's a start
Boy: pain
Hades: your in pain
Hades: it's alright my head hurt a bit when I first was here as well but hay it feel better after a little while
Hades gives a warm smile trying to cheer him up the boy looks at this and slowly try's to copy the smile
Hades: do you remember anything from before
He said painfully he must have not had a job yet when he first got here he stayed here for a day for your mind to recover then they go back and put this thing on your head that tells you what to do he named his voice Celine he thinks about it smirking then reminds himself what he was doing maybe if he can start to talk to him get him to feel pay attention to things before the voice maybe he could have a friend to help him escape
Hades: 78 can I give you a name
Hades: yes something to call you instead of just a number
Hades: ummmmm I'll call you blondy
Boy: blondy
Hades: yep ok blondy there is a voice that's going to come tomorrow I want you to lestion to her unless I tell you otherwise alright
Hades: ok good now I want to get to know you first
Boy: know me?
Hades: yeah like what's your favorite color
Boy: color?
Hades: yeah like ummm my hair it's black and my eyes there brown those are colors your eyes are blue and your hair is blond here come look in the mirror
Hades pulls him in the mirror and blondy looks at himself
Blondy: blue?
He points to his eyes
Hades: yes your eyes are blue I wish I could show you more color but everything here is just the color white
Blondy: white?
Hades: yes white but from the colors what do you like the most
Hades: yeah
Blondy points to his hair
Blondy: black I like black black
Blondy smiles hades giggles
Hades: ok good that's good this was like teaching a child the world he never had to explain basic stuff like this before
Blondy: your color?
Hades: oh my favorite color is red
Blondy: red?
Hades: yeah it's a real pretty color it's like the opposite of blue
Blondy try's to think but can't imagine what red looks like
Blondy: is red pretty
Hades: red is a vary pretty color it often is shown as confidence and love but it can also be blood and violence
Blondy: blood?
Hades: that's the stuff inside of you every color has a good and bad side to it
Blondy: you like red
Hades: yes I like red
Blondy; then I like red too
Hades laughs
Hades: no no you can't like a color cause I like it especially if you have never seen it before
Blondy: why not
Hades: because you might not like what I like that's called a factor of opinion
Blondy: opinion?
Hades: yeah it's like how you enjoy the color black and I enjoy the color red we don't like the same thing and that's ok
Blondy: oh
The light turns off and a little voice chime in
Celine: it is time for bed may everyone go to there beds and sleep
Hades: right blondy let's get you to bed
Blondy nods and gets into bed
Celine: please get into bed please get into bed
Hades: alright Celine I'm going I'm going
He gets into bed and falls asleep until the middle of the night the took blondy out of the room hades wakes up and blondy was still gone
Hades: huh normally he would be back by now
Celine: please make your way to your door and stand by waiting to be assigned you next task
Hades gets up and goes to the door he leaves the room and started to work like everyday they where building something he did not know what he had no details but it was something big they worked for hours they had no breaks like a normal job and they only get one meal a day and that's lunch he try to leave his job one time and he was tased and they try to brainwash him again he did not want to risk doing that again and plus he did not want to go through with that pain ether but he still looked around to see for any way out it was lunch time and they all sat down to eat when he saw blondy his face lit up when he saw hades and quickly sat next him he was about to say something and hades quickly whispered
Hades: shhhh don't talk right now
Blondy lowers his voice to hades level
Blondy: why?
Hades: if someone hears us they might take both of us away from each other and hurt us
Blondy: hurt?
Hades: it's something bad you don't want to feel it
Blondy: oh why would they hurt us
Hades: they don't know we can speak to each other and they don't like it when we talk
Blondy: why
Hades: it means we are different and they don't like that where different
Blondy: why?
Hades: it's hard to explain alright
Blondy: alright
Blondy frowns a little
Hades: hay look we can talk in our room if we are alone ok
Blondy smiles
Blondy: ok
Hades: how do you feel today
Blondy:......less pain still hurts but I'm not alone
Hades smiles
Hades: that's good I'm not alone anymore ether
Blondy: really with who
Hades: you silly what ever will happen we will go through together alright
Blondy: alright

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