Moon pov part 2

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Moon was dragged and then thrown into a cell it almost felt like a hole there was no doors just a latch on the ceiling that felt unreachable dusk fell in next right on top of moon moon pushes dusk onto the ground they had been thrown in jail for helping raven leave they asked them where raven and sun where but both of us had no clue they try to force it out of us but they can't force out what we don't know so now they where sentenced to death and had really know hope of leaving this place
Dusk: this is all your fault
Moon: how exactly is it my fault
Dusk thinks for a moment
Dusk: I don't know I just fucking hate you right now
Moon: for what
Dusk kicks the wall
Moon: god this is a bad situation but your making things worst
Moon: I wanted to give him some hope
Dusk: oh yeah and suns going to feel just great when where DEAD
Moon: well then how about we figure out a way out of here before we die
Dusk: I fucking hate you you know that
Moon: I get it your projecting
Dusk: what do you mean I'm fucking projecting
Moon: your getting mad at me because your upset with yourself that's fine I get it it's a stressful situation
Dusk: oh you think you know everything
Moon: right now yeah kinda more then you
Dusk: oh yeah then find us a way out smart guy
Moon: fine maybe I will
He used one of his shadows to fly outside of the cell but once it was out of view it disappeared he then thought to make the shadow a set of stairs to get to the top but could not figure out how to get a key or how to pick the lock moon kept trying to think and try different ways to get out but found none
Dusk: you done yet
Moon: no there's gotta be a way out
Dusk: moon there is no way out you fucking stupid or something
Moon and dusk argued all day till eventually they both stoped talking to each other and sat on ether side of the room moon sung to himself that normally helped him calm down dusk just wanted to have peace and quite he was pissed off by the humming grabbed a rock and threw it at moons head moon had enough of dusk at this point and they started fist fighting each other till moon saw a jewel on a bracelet he had
Moon: is that the ruby of life
Dusk: dose it matter
Moon: it dose it can raise the dead only twice then disappears never to be seen again how did you get it
Dusk: mum gave it to me before she died said to use it to help you guys if anything happens but I promised myself I would never use it since the price is I lose a memory from someone I loved the most who is gone from me now and I don't want to forget someone I love
Moon: then why keep it on you
Dusk: just in case I change my mind
Moon: dusk what are we gonna do
Dusk: about what
Moon: tomorrow the king will kill both of us and I'm....scared I don't think I'm ready to die yet
Dusk: well.....
Dusk looked around trying to figure out what to say all moon wanted to hear was well be fine we will get out of this but dusk did not like to lie about those things when he knows there not true he knew it wasn't but he just wanted to live in that lie just for a few moments just to think things will turn out ok when he knows they won't be at least sun will be ok moons eyes started to tear up he never cry over something like this before he never cry at dawns funeral he never cry at his mums one ether death was all around him all the time it was normal to him but now that it was his turn he was scared he felt selfish for finally being upset when he was going to die but he couldn't help it tears ran down his face starting to cry dusk looked at him shocked as moon just collapsed to the ground crying dusk walks back and forth thinking about what to do here dusk never really done much comforting before so he knew dusk would not do much to help him but it did make him feel a little better to see him worry showing dusk did care he wanted to help just did not know how
Dusk: look moon we may die soon but we have today
Moon: how dose that make things better
Dusk: I don't know but how about instead of fighting each other we could I don't know try to spend our last moments together joyfully
Moon: I don't wanna die
Moon cry's out
Dusk: I know I just.....
Dusk bits his lip the kicks the wall over and over
Dusk: god dame it why dose it have to be so soon why do things have to be so difficult
He punches the wall over and over aging after he got his all his anger out through the punches he let his legs collapse to the floor and covered his face with his hands moon gets up and goes to the wall he kept punching and saw the crack he made from all his anger punches and moon punches the wall in the same spot dusk did
Dusk: what are you doing
Moon: I don't know I'm just upset and I watched you do it so now I kinda wanna do it
Moon said with tears still rolling down his face and a few sniffles on the side
Dusk: your doing it wrong if you punch that way you won't get as much force on your enemies is that how you have been fighting people this whole time
Moon: yeah
Dusk: that's why it's only a dent with your strength you should be able to knock someone's tooth out with those fist if done correctly
Dusk helps moon with his body posture and all night dusk helped him teaching him how to punch when moon was finally able to punch correctly he punched and made a hole in the wall some guards came out to bring them to where they would be their final hour they where put in-front of the guillotine dusk was going to be first when moon hated the thought of watching his brother die
The guard stoped for a second
Moon: at least let me go first I don't want to see him die
The guard shrugged ether way their both dead moon had these handcuffs on making it so he couldn't use his ability on them otherwise he would go crazy on them moons head was put under the huge blade as he said a few final words
Moon: goodbye sun you where always my favorite star
He heard dusk scream an unforgivable pain things going numb as things went dark

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