Will pov part 1

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Will had gone out with his friends he was watching a movie with them his mum said he should go out today so he did he comes back home and the door was locked and his key didn't work so he knocked on the door asking for his mum to let him in his mum came to the door but did not open it she yelled through the door that she changed the lock so he would not come in he asked why and she responds that her new boyfriend said that he would not marry her if she still had a kid so I mean I put all your stuff near the door and you can live on your own will looked over near the bottom of the stairs leading to his house it did in fact have his stuff all neatly packed she also explained she provided him with some money in the front pocket will gets upset 

Will: I'm only 16 I don't have a job that money won't last me

he says in tears she ignores him and starts to walk away he begs her to stay but she just leaves he stayed there for a little while then slowly walks away from his home once he realized she is not coming for him he grabs his bag she packed and used his phone to call his friend to tell them what happened asking if they could lend a room to him till he gets onto his feet again but he said he couldn't and that they had no room for him he called his next friend again and again they said no he went to a park and sat under the tree and wondered what he will do now once night fell his friend called him and said maybe if he convinced his parents he could stay with them he rushed over to his place but no matter what their friend said he could not convince them he was kicked back onto the streets he then found a girl being dragged away with this man as she kicked and screamed let her go but he kept his hold on her he went over to defend her while all the his stuff was left behind one thing lead to another and they got to a fight with each eachother he knocked out the man and the girl ran off a man watched him knock him out without knowing the context and thought he just randomly attacked this guy and so without will knowing he called some guards on him they came and arrested him they question him and this whole event was just getting through to his head he was kicked out of his house no one was willing to help except one person and he try to help someone else then ended up going to jail maybe this was the world telling him something  his mother did always tell him he was a disappointment and was worthless but he never believed it until now so while he was being questioned he started to break down crying yelling how he was sorry he got into a fight he was sorry he such a burden to his mother sorry that he was even born and how he just wish he could just fix everything by just needing it all by just dyeing kind of letting all his feelings out to this guard the guard gained a worried face on he was just a kid after all he shouldn't be saying this kind of thing so he left will alone in this room while he went to go talk with all the other adults looking at him like he had gone crazy witch only made him feel worst the guard came back 

Guard: ok well don't worry we won't send you to jail

he stayed quite trying to hold himself together with all these feelings

guard: but you will go with some doctors to check on you for a little while and you can stay at a hospital which will help you with all the harmful thoughts you have

will knew what he was talking about it was a mental hospital for pepole who thought stuff like this he heard how pepole never come back the same from there and some just don't come back at all and called unredeemable he try to get away but his hands where still cuffed to the table he starts freaking out the guard try's to call him down but he continued to kick and scream witch did not help his image of looking crazy after hours a few men in white coats came to get him he kept freaking out as they grabbed him when they could not hold him down and he was fighting pepole they found a way to strap him down on a bed that they wheeled into a ambulance he kept trying to fight the restraints till after hours of fighting he gave up and he wished he never said anything and just waited out till he was released to do anything this must be some form of punishment for something wrong he had done he kinda started to numb his brain to what was going on around him the soon wheeled him into the mental hospital where the brought him to an empty white room the only thing there was him and the door the restraints where taken off him and left him there alone taking the bed with them he was alone it was all sound proof they had left him there and after an hour he try to open the door it would not work leaving him alone with his thoughts he starts screaming like he was in pain since he felt alone he curls up into a little ball hours pass by no one came he grabs a knife out of his shoe and starts messing with it he accidentally pocked himself and blood came out he felt the pain beat in his finger he starts feeling pain after that he thought of this feeling and started to slowly cut his arm once or twice he felt awful so he stopped right away but then came back after and hour to do it again and again till he heard someone rush into the room and take the knife from him they realized he may have more on him do the forced him to take off all his clothes so they could check them etched made him feel awful and embarrassed like he had just lost almost all his rights they gave back his clothes and bandaged up his arm he was sent into a room with a man behind a desk he try to ask him questions on what has been happing to him how he if feeling he did not respond to any questions they stayed there for an hour till he was sent back to that empty room it kept going back and forth man room man room with hours passing by he did this till eventually talking him he answered I don't know most of the time to any questions really he then was sent into a different room with beds he had a roommate he sat on the empty bed this place had knifes that pepole probably smuggled in looked like from the state of the other roommates they did not really care what they did in here witch was a bit different from area he had been in before where it looked like they made sure to make sure he won't hurt himself or kill himself the doctors there seemed to make sure nothing happened at any cost but here the doctors don't care if you live or die as long as you don't try to escape he just lays in the bed and just wishes he knew a way out of this place 

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