Adam pov part 3

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The next day Adam had set an appointment with the conical to talk about the debt normally they would not involve the king in this matter but the king seemed interested to join as well witch made Adam a little hesitant about this matter he made some breakfast that hades was already stuffing his face full of and Lisa wakes soon after she eats some breakfast and Adam asks where philp was she claimed he was still asleep she also mentioned he had a difficult time going to bed this night especially philp soon walked in after that his eyes where baggy probably from lack of sleep and his shoulders dropped he must be still upset that jack was the one up to all of this
Adam: good morning philp how are you
Philp: I'm fine
Adam: well eat up because we will be leaving soon
They all looked confused
Hades: leaving? leaving where
Hades said almost annoyed adam said nothing to him on the matter
Adam: to an appointment with the conical about philps debt
Lisa: oh I heard about that
Philp: I thought you where joking when you said that how did you even get an audience so soon a regular citizen would take months to get an appointment for me it's taken years and when I see them they still say no how did you get one so soon
Adam: I have my ways
Hades: Adam why did you not talk to me about this first
Adam: I don't have to tell you everything I am doing all the time
Hades: if I don't know where you are I can't help you if your in danger
Adam: I'll be fine
Hades: I know you will that's not the point though mum left without telling me and she has been missing ever since
Adam: I know that's hurt you but that's not the same thing
Hades: yes it is your my brother I'm meant to protect you
Adam: your not your not obligated to protect me
Hades: say I am that's what family is meant to do for each other I don't want to lose you like I did my mum
Lisa and philp just look at each other as they talk back and forth not knowing if they should chime in
Adam: that's different
Hades: how?
Adam: because that's YOUR mum that's YOUR family of course you will have a connection to her and want to protect her
Hades: and your my family
Adam: I'm not
Hades: you are your my brother
Adam: well yes legally but I'm not your REAL brother I'm just some kid who was just randomly brought here
Hades: real? What are you talking about you are my real brother
Adam: no I'm your adopted brother so stop acting like where as close as family where not so you don't have to pretend we are
Hades: you have never talked like this before are you alright
Hades started to look concerned
Hades: this was never an issue to you before this never matter if you where born in or not
Adam: well it DOSE matter so let's stope faking and pretending it's not
Adam looks at philp
Adam: now I'm gonna go fix this debt with philp
He grabs philps hand and was about to storm out with him
Philp: wait what about Lisa
Adam: he can stay there with hades
Philp: alone with him I don't think so
Adam: fine Lisa wanna come
Lisa say nervously not wanting to make this awkward situation worst
Lisa: ummm sure
He storms out with Lisa and philp out of the house slamming the door behind him philp kinda wanted a place to cool Adam down especially if he was going to go to a court room he was planning on trying to go there after but if they have time before they should probably leave to let him cool down
Philp: sooo Adam
Adam: yes
Philp: is it alright if we go to my house before we get to the court room if we have time
Adam: I guess I did leave extra early so yeah sure whatever why do you need something back at home
Philp: well now that jack is aware I know he is up to things he may have left home so I just want to go back and make sure the rest of my family is ok and if he is still there I would like to speak to him about what's up
Adam: ummm alright
They get to the kingdom walls and once the gate keeper saw Lisa he instantly let them in they started to walk down a street with wealthy house a place you would expect philp to come from they matched his design and the way he walked acted and looked but philp kept walking he went to the middle class house not a place you would expect philp to come from but you could see him comping from here working his way up the ladder then reached poor housing places where you don't think philp could ever come from there where Lisa saw people livening on the streets and houses that had cracks on the walls but philp kept walking to a even smaller place where there where barely any homes and the homes that existed where not as big some had holes in the roof and people looked cold here he went to the nicest house in this area it was a small home and did not look like much seemed like he strapped pieces of other things to fix it up he used a key and open the door the home was nice and well cared for
All the kids get into a line of oldest to youngest
Philp: jack?
A girl chimes in
Girl: he's not here
Philp: yeah I thought so...Donatello?
Girl: not here as well he's at work
Philp: work um alright ok....Antoinette?
The girl in-front steps forward
Antoinette: here
She steps back in line she had long hair and a stylish outfit with a purse around her waist she seem to not pay much attention to what she was doing and focusing on how she looked in the mirror
Philp: Elizabeth
Elizabeth steps forward
Elizabeth: here
She steps back in her spot she had her hair tied up and wore hoodies with sweatpants on she was looking at both Adam and Lisa almost wondering who they where
Philp: Copernicus
A little boy steps out
Copernicus: here
He step back in he seem to be nervous and not look anyone in the eye he wore clothes similar to the person next to him who looked to be the same age
Philp: Gallo
The boy steps up and sighs something with his hands and steps back
Philp: thank you gallo....Isaac
The boy next in line did not move he looked at his feet when gallo tapped him on his shoulder and he quickly steps out he had little overalls on and looks like he had already got them all muddy
Isaac: here
He steps back with a smile
Philp: Victoria
A little girl with a little dress on steps out
Victoria: here
She skips back into line
Philp: Mary
Mary steps out of line she had her hair in braids and holding a little doll looked to still be in her pjs
Mary: here
Philp: why are you in your pjs has no one helped her get dress this morning
Antoinette: we didn't have time
Philp sighs Mary steps back in line
Philp: ok well this is my family you guys meet Lisa and Adam Lisa and Adam meet my family Antoinette is 15 around Adams age in fact
Antoinette looks at Adam looks him up and down at his clothes
Antoinette: ew
Philp glares at her and Adam kinda felt small
Philp: sorry she kinda just dose her own thing Elizabeth is 13
Elizabeth shakes Adam and Lisa's hand wildly
Elizabeth: it's nice to meet you all
She looks at Lisa
Elizabeth: oooo she's a cutie are you all dating
Lisa: how did you-
Elizabeth cuts her off
Elizabeth: I can see it in your eyes
Lisa: oh
Philp: anyways this is Copernicus and gallo both 12 years old twins like me and jack
Both of them stay to themselves not wanting to say hi to ether Adam or Lisa
Philp: then we have Isaac who's 10
Isaac wasn't paying attention
Philp: Victoria who's 8
Victoria: can I play tea party with them
Philp: maybe later
Victoria: yayyy
Philp: and last but not least Mary who's 6 years old
Lisa: all of them are so cute I love little kids
Philp: yeah well I do have a baby brother and sister but there with my step mum and dad
Adam: thought your dad was dead
Philp: he is it's my step dad
Adam: how can you have a step mum and dad where you adopted
Philp: no when my mum died my dad remarried and when my dad died she remarried
Adam: why dose she not live with you to help take care of all your brothers and sisters
Philp: she likes them when there like one or two maybe three rarely then she dumps the kids on my doorstep to take care of once they are older
Adam: that dose not seem fair
Philp: eh I prefer it this way she was not the best growing up with and I would rather not have them deal with her
Adam: I suppose
Philp: now I just need to figure out who will take care of them while I'm away

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