Emotional 43 pov part 2

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Moon is listening rock punk music on some headphones someone gave him he was moving his head to the beat he sat next to moon he looked at moons eyes he was focused on the picture he was drawing not noticing him sit next to him he saw raven mix different things together in the dinning room 

emotional 43: Raven what are you doing

Raven: making a potion

Emotional 43: why?

Raven: I'm gonna see if this could help cure Moon sun is going to help with a plant if that dose not work we can do a ritual I'm almost done with this one

Moon takes off his headphones

Moon: what? where you guys talking to me

Dusk:moon its rude to say what you should be saying yes? or pardon me 

moon rolls his eyes

Raven: no we where not talking to you but while I have your action why don't you try this 

Raven pours the potion into a cup and give it to moon 

Moon: what is this 

Raven: its a drink I made for you

Moon takes a sip it dose not taste bad so he drinks the rest

Raven: how do you feel moon

Moon: the same...?

Raven: hmmmm darn will just have to wait till the plant is grown then

Moon: I don't think I want or need love anyways

Emotional 43: love can be nice I think you would like it

Moon: i just don't think its worth the trouble

Raven: if you don't want to its less work for me 

Raven walks off moon leaves and emotional 43 was a bit upset but it was his choice so he pushed the feelings away moon had started talking to may he felt weird maybe he was sick but talking with her made him have a strange feeling to it his heart was beating fast he felt warm and he could not stop looking at her as he thought about all the memories he had with her may looked over at his face

May: moon are you ok your cheeks are red

Moon nods and she sighs and keeps talking he had not noticed how cute her smile was the way she looked in that dress he felt like hell and heaven all at the same time his mind went over thousands of different moments he could have had with her it felt like all of this was rushing in all at once he was so confused what is this did ravens drink had side effects that made him sick his leg started nervously bouncing up and down now all he wanted was her approval for her to like him when before he did not care at all she smiles at him

Moon: what?

May: you like someone don't you I know that face its a face of a man who likes someone

Moon: no? its impossible for me to feel that remember I'm just must be sick

May: maybe but I think I know what your sick with

Moon: shut up its nothing

May: oooooo? nothing really?

may gets up close to him and his face turns red and runs inside the house may walks in seeing emotional 43

May: what are you doing

emotional 43: why did moon run off to his room

May: he has a crush

Emotional 43: so the cure did work who dose he have a crush on

May: isn't it obvious me totally 

Emotional 43: you? do you know that for sure he may be confused I mean its his first few moments feeling any kind of romantic love at all

May: I'm not confused he started getting like this when he was with me alone not with you

Emotional 43 blushes 

Emotional 43 I never said I never said I liked him and plus it probably had not taken effect yet 

May: ether way he will choose me in the end not a man I mean what dude dates another dude anyways

he looked embarrassed and walked off into his room to think he gets upset at the thought maybe she was right he had a kingdom to worry about should not ruin all of that just because of one silly crush 

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