Moon pov part 4

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He had ended up answering maybe like 100 questions about himself unwillingly emotional 43 had started just talking his ear off but he honestly liked this better since he did not have to answer anymore questions moon was looking at the map dusk gave him with the directions where sun was 43 told him where to go but he did not know if he needed to turn or not he wished dusk was here he would know how to get there he could read all theses sighs he was lost but he did not want to ask for help he wanted to make it look like he knew what to do he try to tell by the pictures trying to match the numbers to the numbers on the map but it just kept bringing him in back where they started and emotional 43 was too oblivious to notice moon looked at the map over and over aging but all the words just felt like a blur to him a jumble of letters and numbers he kept trying to figure out how to read it but it felt like a mess to him he got frustrated and threw down the map making emotional 43 stop in his tracks and look at him
Emotional 43: moon are you alright
Moon: im fine ugh its getting dark we should find some place to rest
Emotional 43: alright if you say so
They walk around a bit and find an empty cave to stay under moon grabbed some branches and made a campfire for them so they could stay warm tonight emotional 43 stomach grumbled he was kinda hungry but moon seemed annoyed already so he was not gonna say anything till moon looked at him closely and dropped his bag in front of emotional 43 he looked up at moon confused and moon rolled his eyes annoyed
Moon: your hungry so eat there some food in there don't bother me now alright
he said plopping down across from him tending to the fire to make sure it stayed lit 
Emotional 43: thank you moon
Moon: don't mention it
Emotional 43 looks in the bag he found some food but also found a lot of letters just thrown into here unopened from a girl named may he picked up a few looking at them moon noticed it and snatched the letters from his hand
Emotional 43: why haven't you opened any of them
Moon: did not have time too
Emotional 43: you have time now
Moon: i cant
Emotional 43: why not
Moon: i ummm well
He blushes embarrassed
Moon: its not important
Emotional 43: can you not read it? I can do it for you
Moon: WHAT hahhaha i know how to read who dose not know how to read i just dont... im just busy right now alright
Emotional 43: ok would if i read it to you while you work on what ever your busy with
Moon:.....that would be nice thank you
Moon hands emotional 43 the letters and he starts with the first one
Dear, Dearest Moon

I saw you running away from the king. I saw how he try to kill you. Im so happy that he failed i wish my father had never treated you so curly like that he had no right to try to behead you like that you where only trying to help your family i would like to acknowledge that i had no play in his actions please do not judge me based off my fathers actions i apologize deeply for what my father try to do i have sent this letter with my owl hopefully it gets to you i know not where you are but i pray that you are safe you are vary dear to me and i wish no harm to come your way i will pray for you ever night if this letter dose not come back to me i will know you have received my latter i please send a letter back so i know you are safe my dear but i must end the letter here i have requested a meeting with my father and i am hoping i can convince him not to harm you aging if you ever return you are my dearest friend of course i would do anything for you make sure you stay safe and keep yourself well fed dont get into trouble and dont let your family make you feel unprricated you have done so much for them and helped them more then they deserve dont forget to take care of yourself ether stay alive and stay well i will miss you

Love your dearest friend May

Dear, Dearest Moon

Its been a week and i have not heard from you back maybe you don't have paper or a quill to write i will send some extra paper and quill for you to send a letter back it does not have to be long just to know you are ok lately i have been hearing stories about how horrible the outside world is and it scares me you are out there alone it sounds like a fate worse than death out there please tell me your ok i miss you dearly father has been extra angry lately i wish you did not have to leave me here it feels so lonely within these palace walls i wish i could see you aging but it feels almost impossible to do yes i do have everything i could ever want here but it's all but for nothing without you here i feel like i need my hand to hold or someone to talk to to be honest you were my only friend and i wish not to lose you please respond when you can i am in dire need of company

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