what lies beyond

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I got bored looking at what lies beyond I can look at the characters that I know the narrator made this world I know the writer is not the one with the true power here not like they think they do I wonder if the narrator needs to give them a break maybe give something they don't have to be concerned about here before I unpause this story and let Raven tell her pice I need some time to think what is her plan for the end of this middle area I stand here are they gonna focus on what happened with the war are we gonna keep focus on the small parts and what happened with the writer I bet there coming in later maybe I can add something happy just before the part drops with the writer and the war comes into play I come down to try to change some things when I hear this movement thats not meant to happen I walk over to the area and see Pluto I ask him what he is doing

Pluto: working I see the narrator had writers block again

she knows what she wants to do just don't know how to transition to it

Pluto: yeah I guess I don't know how these things work anyways

what are you doing your meant to be paused like the rest of them your part of the story

Pluto: not really I am controlled by the narrator I'm mostly the narrators character 

yeah so is everyone else

Pluto: yes and no those guys are the writers characters the writer just so happens to be the narrators characters so she paused them not the writer and me the writer has no power over someone who is not his why are you having this talk anyways

I don't know kinda just to explain to that where going to discuss the big issues soon and to be patient why aren't you also controlled by the writer?

Pluto: don't know maybe the narrator has a reason to create me apart from him I mean she is the one that allowed me to know I am just a story and not real but I don't know what she plans to do next 

huh well this has become vary strange well I am going to keep talking but I don't know what to do with you 

Pluto: what are you meant to be anyways

I am the explanation  I explain what pepole are doing thats why I don't have the little : things when I start talking because I explain peoples actions my brother is dialog the narrator needs both of us to tell the story she makes the story and well I just explain the non talking parts a dialog dose the talking stuff then the writer is meant to write it down but well he went rouge and had a kid and made himself mortal then gave the power to a child and well now we had to help the humans with the mirror realm and well yeah I'm not going to explain the rest 

Pluto: right? ok I'm confused but I am pretty sure your busy so ill ask you the rest later on

Okie dokie 

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