May pov part 1

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May: why hasn't he responded im worried about him
May said complaining to a servant in the huge 8 story bedroom she lives in attached to an already huge castle her hair was tied up into a bun her dress all puffy and big with a tight corset one servant is tying on her so tight making it hard for her to breath her makeup being done by 5 different people as if one was not fit for the job she looked just like a doll with her pretty black tan skin she looked so deliquite like she was made of glass and could break at any moment the servant holding her tiara starts to speak
Servant: my apologies but your talking about that young boy moon? The one your father try to kill
May: yes but he got out didnt he
Serven: i dont think he will be coming back if i where him i would run as far as i can away from this kingdom
May: i dont care how far he runs if i want him i shall have him
Servant: may you must rember this is a person we are talking about not just some toy you can gett off the shelf
May: if i talk with my father he wont try to kill him anymore and i can keep him
Servent: yes i suppose you do have that power but what if moon dose not want to come
May: then father will make him he is just a meir peasant so i dont think he will decline and if he dose the father can easily force him to stay
Servant: but would you not be happier if he was out happy and free then locked up his whole life i mean are you happy trapped here
May: yes vary happy especially if i have moon
Servant: yes the stuff is nice and you could get what ever you want its nice but are you truly happy
May: yes i am......but i suppose it would be nice to go out sometime without being followed
Servant: do you wish that life for him never having privacy ever aging i have see you talk to the boy before he dose not enjoy being watched or crowded
May: that may be true i would be better off for him out there im fine with it as long as we contact each other but he wont send anything to me back
Servant: well i suppose thats life we cant control it
May: but i shall get what i want and what i want is him
Servant: would you rather make him unhappy and have him then have him happy and lose him
May: i would rather have him.....but why cant we have both
Servant: what?
May: my bird knows where he is ill just leave and follow the bird without the guards knowing then i can have him and be happy and he wont have to be locked up
Servant: would you rather lose all of this over this man
May: yes why should i not he deserves the best and thats what i am
They finish the makeup and the other servant leave after helping her get ready
Servant: your father wont be vary happy with you leaving
May: he dose not have to know he pays no mind to me anyways he only gives me stuff and gose on with his day plus he keeps wanting me to date and marry a man anyways so he may even be happy i found a man
Servant: what if the plan fails
May: i will get my father to find moon and keep him here with me so for moons sake lets hope i dont fail
May stand up and takes the tera from the servant and put it on her head
Servant: what if you find him and he dose not want you
May: ill make him want me even if it takes years and if he never wants me then i will force him to pretend to want me
Servant: so you really are giving him no choice in the matter
May: nope
Servant: god bless his soul
May: dont know why you are being so dramatic its not like im gonna kill the man
Servent: i have lived a loveless marriage my princess so for his sake i pray he feels the same for you because honestly it can be a fate worst then death
May: your being emontional he will want me your bothering me now you may go
Servant: yes maam apologies but do keep in mind his feelings matter in this too this is a person your dealing with and has exprainced things you may never know he has wants and dreams just like you do if you want a relationship remember to consider what he wants and how he may be feeling
May: yeah yeah whatever
The servant sighs and leaves may seemed annoyed who dose she think she is telling me what to do talking like he would not love to be here or be with me I am considering his feelings I mean who wouldn't want to be with a person like me and get to live in a big castle with all this stuff and the long halls and big room that make you fell small she looks down ok maybe I can see how for a person who grew up with nothing this can be overwhelming or unsettling to them but dose not matter you get use to it so he will just have to get use to it I guess now for her escape plan she grabs some paper quills and ink so she can still write while she's gone and pack some clothes and starts to use the vines to climb down from her bedroom balcony she runs off hideing from the view of the pepole she gets to the gates and used the code her father told her just in case she had to go on the run and gets to the forest she lets her owl fly he had been resting on her shoulder the whole time she follows the owl on where it's flying away too

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