Jack pov part 1

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It was the next day the rain had stopped from yesterday and Jack stands around everyone is off working finding out new info and sending reports back to him finding new recruits and training them and now also looking for sun and raven who escaped them things were not going well but at least now they have a plan on how to kill the king he was not as impossible to beat as we thought but even so things where not ending well for him philp still believed lisa was still on his side being manipulated by her and sun won't believe a word that he is saying but at least he still seems to care enough to listen a girl came rushing in with a few papers she had short hair red lipstick and a formal party dress that was not poofy but was not the typical thing you would see at like a club or a bar or anything like that she had long lace white gloves on and some long white heeled shoes to go with her white dress making her eyes and lips pop out like a sore thumb but looked beautiful nonetheless she always knew how to my heads turn when she walked into a room making all the boys fall for her and i where not gay may have also fallen for her as well she came in out of breath and i look at her she put her hands to her knees and leaned forward almost in a bow trying to catch her breath
Jack: scarlet you know you don't have to run here every time you get a report honestly i don't know how you run in thoughts heels
Scarlet: i got to get my workout somehow
She smiles a cheerful smile at him standing up straight now like nothing happened
Jack: i can give you better shoes to run in
Scarlet: they would not go with my outfit
Jack: you don't have to dress so formal it's just us
Scarlet: well if we want people to take us seriously we have to look the part which is why you need a suit i can fix you up one if you want
Jack: i'm alright just hand me the report and i'll let you be on your way
Scarlet: oh yeah right sure
She hands jack the reports and goes running out of the room jack glaces down at the papers and walks over to the desk slamming them down to the other unread reports he hates reading reports always giving him the same bad news that things are not working out for them but he will have to read them and sign them at some point just not now he thinks as he walks out to the balcony he puts his hands on the railing he cant put his finger on it but something feels off his reflection in the window starts to speak to him
Refection: having doubts jack
Jack: no no just thinking
Reflection: about what exactly
Jack: nothing no worries
Reflection: trust me its not like i can tell anyone else what's happening your secret is safe with me and remember i already know everything about you so its nothing i wont understand
Jack: well i don't exactly know what i have been feeling
Jack says looking up at the moon
Jack: just something just feels off
Reflection: thats stupid you should not feel a thing your doing everything correctly just trust me and you'll be safe you know your doing all this for a good cause
Jack: what cause exactly it feels like you and me are on different pages sometimes
Jack said frustrated looking back at his reflection he dose not see himself but a man in a dark hoodie like outfit with a hood over his head covering his face with the shadows
Man in a hood: why would you feel like that what have i done to make you think that way dont you trust me
Jack: yes
Man in a hood: then trust me when i say this is all for you and everything you hope for if you want you and your family to live a peaceful life then your going to have do some things your not comfortable with
Jack: how is harming people gonna help with us live a peaceful life
Man in a hood: well if you want to make an omelet your going to have to crack a few eggs so yes its a mess now but this mess will help you bring a better tomorrow
Jack: i don't know
Man in a hood: what about your brother he decided to protect you and was punished all these years for it and what about thoughts kids who did not get as luck as him and forced to serve and have starved to death trying to pay the debt or died from their hands as well
Jack: philp seems happy with the royal family though maybe there not as bad as we-
Before jack finished his sentence the man slammed his hands on the glass making a rubbing noises
Jack: but-
He could not get a word in before he yelled
The man says slamming his hand on the glass Jack stepped back in fear the man got quite
Man in a hood:your brother may not see it now but he will later on alright?
Jack nods
Manina hood: listen i'm sorry for losing my temper alright you should have never pushed me that far
Jack: ok im sorry
Someone knocked on the door
???: jack time to go
Man in a hood: your good now it's time for you to go don't second guess me aging
Jack: ok im sorry
Jack starts to leave his head looking at the floor he was about to open the door
Man in a hood: and jack
Jack stops in his tracks
Man in a hood: keep your head high and put on a smile it's show time
Jack lifts his head and smiles and opened the door
Jack: im ready

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