Philps pov part 2

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Philp watches Lisa leave with the boy and he dose infant go looking through records about both the boys who live here Adam age 15 was a put in cpc the child
Protection and
Program at age 1 and taken in by a single mother who had one son 2 years older then him he is normally seen to be vary kind to others and seemed to be a vary smart young man he has skipped two grades in high school and continues to show incredible marks on his exams hades age 17 more of a sports nerd in the same grade as his brother and has been shown to have violent tendencies and behaviors around school and friends philp sighs well at least she's not alone in a room white him hades was finishing up some breakfast Adam had made him and started looking for more food in the cabinets philp decided to look around the house to see anything that may cause harm to the princess while he was out side he felt weird like he was being watched by an unknown entity after a few moments he noticed a bird in the tree looked average but the way it looked at him and the sinking suspicion he was getting gave him the urge to get rid of it he takes his gun and shoots a clear shot at its chest the bird went flying out of the tree philp watched where the bird landed looking down at the now twitching animal wait no not animal robot he thought as he saw wires where organs should have been and oil where blood should be pooling out there was a camera inside the bird they had been watched but by who he grabs some gloves and grabs the bird sparks from wires flickers before going out entirely he takes out a camera but just before he took the photo of the bird for his report a flash with a click in-front of philps face someone just took a photo of him he looks over to where the light came from and a person put down the camera and ran off philp puts the little bird in a plastic bag putting it in his suit case and chases after the mystery person

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